I have a similar but less serious problem; if I try to start a game in the two-players-on-one-computer mode, pop-pop tells me to give the second player a chance by plugging in a second mouse. Well as it happens, I've already got two USB mice on my Mac - one of them is wireless and sitting on a Wacom Intuos2 graphics tablet... 
My guess is that pop-pop doesn't recognize it because it doesn't identify itself as a normal mouse. I'm running 10.2.2. Apple System Profiler says:
Product ID = 66 ($42)
Vendor = Tablet
Device Speeed = Full
Power (mA) = 500
Oddly, it doesn't appear at all in HID Explorer. I suppose it may not be a strict HID device? I can use it to control the single-player game though.
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(This message has been edited by ascii (edited 11-28-2002).)