Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Mouse Problems

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      I've just finished downloading version 1.0.2, and despite it fixing several mouse bugs, it still hasn't fixed the conflict with my Wacom mouse. Whenever I launch Pop-Pop, it simply doesn't recognise my mouse, and acts as if one wasn't being used. Is Ambrosia aware of this bug, and is there a solution to it?

      MU* addict

    • I have a similar but less serious problem; if I try to start a game in the two-players-on-one-computer mode, pop-pop tells me to give the second player a chance by plugging in a second mouse. Well as it happens, I've already got two USB mice on my Mac - one of them is wireless and sitting on a Wacom Intuos2 graphics tablet... 🆒

      My guess is that pop-pop doesn't recognize it because it doesn't identify itself as a normal mouse. I'm running 10.2.2. Apple System Profiler says:

      Product ID = 66 ($42)
      Vendor = Tablet
      Device Speeed = Full
      Power (mA) = 500

      Oddly, it doesn't appear at all in HID Explorer. I suppose it may not be a strict HID device? I can use it to control the single-player game though.



      r<2+ T<4* cSEL dMS hEn/CB<BL A4 S+*<++ C$++L/mP W- a-- Vh+seT+ (Cantab) 1.1.4

      (This message has been edited by ascii (edited 11-28-2002).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Kelsan:
      **I've just finished downloading version 1.0.2, and despite it fixing several mouse bugs, it still hasn't fixed the conflict with my Wacom mouse. Whenever I launch Pop-Pop, it simply doesn't recognise my mouse, and acts as if one wasn't being used. Is Ambrosia aware of this bug, and is there a solution to it?


      In the prefs of pop-pop, enable the "legacy mouse" mode. This should fix the bug.

      With a name like anklebiter, you expect me to be nice?
      What is anklebiter's birds up too? (url="http://"")click to find out!(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by anklebiter:
      **In the prefs of pop-pop, enable the "legacy mouse" mode. This should fix the bug.

      I've had a look at the options screen, but I can't seem to find how to enable this mode. Could you post exact instructions?

      MU* addict

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Kelsan:
      **I've had a look at the options screen, but I can't seem to find how to enable this mode. Could you post exact instructions?


      Click on Options.
      At the bottom of the screen Legacy Mouse Mode should appear.

      You are using 1.02 right?

      If you think I'm being mean, please tell me. I was actually going for NASTY!!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by jinx:
      **Click on Options.
      At the bottom of the screen Legacy Mouse Mode should appear.

      You are using 1.02 right?

      Yes, I'm using 1.0.2. I've just had another look at the options screen, and there's no 'Legacy Mouse' button anywhere in it. Why doesn't it appear?

      MU* addict

    • Kelsan, what version of the MacOS are you running?

      Matt Slot / Bitwise Operator / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by fprefect:
      **Kelsan, what version of the MacOS are you running?


      MU* addict

    • I had the same problem but I was able to figure it out. Ambrosia needs to document this stuff somewhere. It looks like both mice need to be plugged in already when you start your computer. Then you go to OPTIONS and press the CONFIGURE... button next to the caption CONTROLS. In a column to the left you should see two mouse icons and a keyboard. Select a mouse icon and press the buttons which have bitmaps of arrows on them in the boxes labelled LEFT/RIGHT and UP/DOWN. For one mouse you should select PLAYER 1 X DELTA in the LEFT/RIGHT box and PLAYER 1 Y DELTA for the buttons in the UP/DOWN box. After selecting the other mouse icon, do the same thing except select PLAYER 2 X DELTA and PLAYER 2 Y DELTA. Hope you have no more troubles.

    • Thanks to you all for all the info. I have been dying to play a 2 player game on my computer but pop-pop would only recognize 1 of the 2 mice I had plugged in. It would help if the Help Section of pop pop had computer as well as game play info.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by conrad:
      I had the same problem but I was able to figure it out. Ambrosia needs to document this stuff somewhere. It looks like both mice need to be plugged in already when you start your computer. Then you go to OPTIONS and press the CONFIGURE... button next to the caption CONTROLS. In a column to the left you should see two mouse icons and a keyboard. Select a mouse icon and press the buttons which have bitmaps of arrows on them in the boxes labelled LEFT/RIGHT and UP/DOWN. For one mouse you should select PLAYER 1 X DELTA in the LEFT/RIGHT box and PLAYER 1 Y DELTA for the buttons in the UP/DOWN box. After selecting the other mouse icon, do the same thing except select PLAYER 2 X DELTA and PLAYER 2 Y DELTA. Hope you have no more troubles.

      I think you've misunderstood my problem. I'm not asking how to use a second mouse. I'm asking how to use any mouse on the main menu screens.

      MU* addict

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Kelsan:
      **I think you've misunderstood my problem. I'm not asking how to use a second mouse. I'm asking how to use any mouse on the main menu screens.


      Very Funny


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