Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Just to clear up my idea of Assault Carriers:
      Primary Weapon: Small Gun (Particle Beam?)
      Secondary Weapon: Fighter Bay
      Secondary/Special Weapon: Trooper/Elite Teleporter
      About the shields and speed of a Destroyer.

      OK, here's what we'll have to do (if anyone finds a problem with this, just say so, I'll be happy to change it):

      I can configure the Special Weapon to do the Mars Rising kind of "Hold down for big shot" thing (Different Wave Motion :)). Therefore, if the player taps the Special weapon key, it will teleport Troopers, and if the player holds it, it will subsequently fire off the Elite Teleporter (I'll explain it if anyone is skeptical). It may sound annoying, but necessary, that we create a version of the ship with 0, 1, and if applicable, 2 Elite on board. These would be necessary to allow them to teleport back on anyway. Then, we'll have the Primary and Secondary available for weapons fire.
      With all that, I think I'm overloading my core logic circuits. I won't have to call in a marine to get them destroyed...

      I'll make a webpage for the project on Tripod. It'll have it finished in maybe 1/2 an hour.

      --As soon as I get started- All I have is the Navigation Bar.

      -Pallas Athene of Dysian Beta, Obish Consensus Representative
      -Nieru Dast, {M}ilitia Aeriane
      -Danae Vernius
      "Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal

      (This message has been edited by Pallas Athene (edited 01-17-2001).)

    • GASP! Oh, the lack of antialiasation!
      Camera goes up one, camera goes back one. That's 45 Degrees, and it's better to tilt the camera than the ships. (If that's an option, I don't know if POV-ray can)

      --I did the same on my Pfhor Corvette. Tripod isn't working too well lately,
      --so I'll send it out as an attachment, as well as the opening screen.

      -Pallas Athene of Dysian Beta, Obish Consensus Representative
      -Nieru Dast, {M}ilitia Aeriane
      -Danae Vernius
      "Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal

      (This message has been edited by Pallas Athene (edited 01-17-2001).)

    • POV Ray can tilt the camera, just not with an explicit rotate, but by going 1 back and 1 up (actually, It's much easier to move the ship, but whatever works best for each of us).

      If I use it much more, I'm going to CLEP my way to being Doctor of Mathematics or something...

      What do you think of the carrier?

      Never fly in front when attacking a Jjaro ship. -Me

    • Personally, I think it looks a little too much like the dreadnought.

      Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
      -Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

    • If there's enough of a difference in size, they should be fine. If the spikey-prong things stand out in the sprite, than nobody will care to see that there isn't much of a difference. (look at Sal and Aud ships)

      If worst comes to worst, shorten the center prong and see what it looks like.

      The Hard-Boiled Egg
      Because she cant be beaten!

    • Does anyone know what you do to Strata to stop it crashing? I'm having trouble using PiXELS, and Strata, well, crashes all the time. :frown:

      I like the Jjaro ships, Darkk! 🙂 But, yes, the drone carrier could use a little more difference...

      So, there's always two weapons available for use on the ships. Thanks for clearing that up, Pallas.

      Subcommander g'Var "8 Lightnings" Krai'un

      Second in command of the Escort Starbeam.
      “Imagine if you will, you’re standing on a grade of finely processed salt in a salt factory. Now, there is a very large rusty blade flying towards you at a very high speed. Imagine now, the feeling you will have as you fall into that salt after you are run through with that blade.” -Marathon Infinity, Terminal 0, Page 2, You Think You’re Big Time, You’re Gonna Die Big Time, Vidmaster’s Challenge Edition.

    • Alrighty then, Drone Carrier remix at 12 o'clock (literaly).
      (url="http://"")http://www.geocities...darkk/JDC04.jpg(/url) (url="http://"")http://www.geocities...darkk/JDC05.jpg(/url) (url="http://"")http://www.geocities...darkk/JDC07.jpg(/url)

      These better (this is the last time I'll reuse Dreadnought parts)?

      Never fly in front when attacking a Jjaro ship. -Me

    • Better, yes. Don't reuse much of the Dreadnought, but do reuse at least that "power generator" (or something like it) in the central modules.

      I'll post the general weapons for each ship here.
      L1 Weapons are simple, usually kinetic, and do little damage.
      L2 Weapons are a step up, sometimes kinetic, but always turreted.
      L3 Weapons are long-ranged, high damage dealing but nonturreted for striking from afar.
      L4 are turreted and do massive amounts of damage, as well as being relatively long-ranged.
      L5 Weapons are capable of destroying outposts.
      Troopers include BOBs and Fighters.
      Elites include Marines and Juggernauts.
      AC is a general Measure of how much damage a ship can take before it is destroyed.
      Fighters indicates a Fighter Bay

      L1 Weapon
      No Secondary
      2 Troopers
      AC 1
      L1 Weapon
      L2 Weapon
      5 Troopers
      AC 4
      L3 Weapon
      L2 Weapon
      8 Troopers, 1 Elite
      AC 6
      L3 Weapon
      L4 Weapon
      10 Troopers, 1 Elite
      AC 10
      L5 Weapon
      L4 Weapon
      20 Troopers, 1 Elite
      AC 20
      Assault Carrier:
      Fighter Bay
      L2 Weapon
      50 Troopers, 2 Elite
      AC 8
      Colony Ship:
      L1 Weapon
      No Secondary
      15 Troopers, 1 Elite
      AC 10
      Can land on Planet to create colony

      I think I finished all of the names of the ships, check above.

      -Pallas Athene of Dysian Beta, Obish Consensus Representative
      -Nieru Dast, {M}ilitia Aeriane
      -Danae Vernius
      "Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal

      (This message has been edited by Pallas Athene (edited 01-18-2001).)

    • Actually, the power generator won't be on any more ships but the battleship. I think there should be some float on the shields, about ą1 for little guys, and ą2 or more for biggies. The ships in Ares, after all, have differing shield ratios (slighty).

      Jjaro Ships/Weapons:

      Shields 500
      L1: Turreted Cosmic Ray Beam (turreted kinetic beam with decent damage)
      (Note: the drones in the origional tutorial are a good example of how these will turn out)
      2 Attack Drones

      Shields 1250
      L2: Turreted Rapid Cosmic Ray Beam (fighter weapon speeded up)
      L?: Phase Cannon (this isn't quite your conception of a corvette weapon, it's a very slow firing, 2 ammo count, rather powerful foreward pulse; my origional concept of the scalpal was that the Jjaro developed them as assassin ships, to take down a single enemy INSTANTLY; they're rather expensive and suck against groups)
      5 Attack Drones

      Shields 2000
      L3: Area Eradicator (XLR version of the Cantharan Gunship weapon)
      L2: Turreted Rapid Cosmic Ray Beam
      8 Attack Drones, 1 Assault Drone

      Shields 3750
      L4: Acretion Projector (Sick, sick, sick. This uses virtual particals and quantum "action at a distance" to produce a small, temporary, black hole. It does Tazer-like damage (keep in mind 5 tazer beamss can be hitting you at once, for about 150/tic) and pulls the nearest ship its way.)
      L3: Antimatter/Matter Missle (Rather self-explanatory)
      10 Attack Drones, 1 Assault Drone

      Shields 6250
      L4.5 Heavy Acretion Projector (slightly wider shot than its little brother, and core singularity (very small) that kills in one hit)
      L5 XLR Fluctuation Missle (great range, high damage; should outrange almost anything; area effect)
      20 Attack Drones, 1 Assault Drone

      Shields 13000 (cost 130)
      L4.5 Heavy Acretion Projector
      L5 XLR Fluctuation Missle (rapider fire, and definatly turreted)
      L6 Fleet Warp (creates randomly (0 to 2 of) Scalpal and (0 to 1 of) Remover; uses vast quantities of energy)
      Should generate resources when possible

      Drone Carrier:
      Shields 2000
      L2: Turreted Rapid Cosmic Ray Beam
      8 Drones, fired in pairs (4 shots)
      50 Attack Drones, 2 Assualt Drones

      Habitat Ship:
      Shields 1500
      L1: Turreted Cosmic Ray Beam
      15 Attack Drones, 1 Assualt Drone

      Never fly in front when attacking a Jjaro ship. -Me

      (This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 01-20-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 01-28-2001).)

    • The AC values are relative to other ships in the same race, not to other races. For resource costs of ships:
      Fighter: 2 Resources
      Corvette: 5 Resources
      Destroyer: 8 Resources
      Battleship: 15 Resources
      Dreadnought: 25 Resources
      Assault Carrier: 8 Resources
      Colony Ship: 6 Resources

      Nebulons: x0.35 (0.7, 1.75, 2.8, 5.25, 8.75, 2.8, 2.1)
      Nar: x0.75 (1.5, 3.75, 6, 11.25, 18.75, 6, 4.5)
      UESC: x1.00
      Pfhor: x1.25 (2.5, 6.25, 10, 18.75, 31.25, 10, 7.5)
      S'pht: x 1.50 (3, 7.5, 12, 22.5, 37.5, 12, 9)
      Jjaro: x2.50 (5, 12.5, 20, 37.5, 62.5, 20, 15)

      I've finished the Pfhor Assault Carrier and the UESC Cruiser and Frigate, but have yet to upload them.

      -Pallas Athene of Dysian Beta, Obish Consensus Representative
      -Nieru Dast, {M}ilitia Aeriane
      -Danae Vernius
      "Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal

    • I meant, say, the carriers of one race might have the same shields as their battleships, but another race have the 8:10 ratio.

      Never fly in front when attacking a Jjaro ship. -Me

    • I made a table for the resources of each race at (url="http://"") (opt-click) and uploaded the (url="http://"")Pfhor Assault Carrier(/url). The UESC cruiser and frigate were also uploaded, but they aren't working, so I'll spend a bit longer on them. It might haveto do with the fact that those two were 640x480- I'll try 320x240.

      -Pallas Athene of Dysian Beta, Obish Consensus Representative
      -Nieru Dast, {M}ilitia Aeriane
      -Danae Vernius
      "Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal

    • Here's the Jjaro Corvette, a little monochromatic, but it works IMNSHO.
      (url="http://"")http://www.geocities...k/Scalpal01.jpg(/url) (url="http://"")http://www.geocities...k/Scalpal02.jpg(/url) (url="http://"")http://www.geocities...k/Scalpal03.jpg(/url)

      Oh, and the Infinity manual has a great pic of the Pfhor Dreadnought.

      Never fly in front when attacking a Jjaro ship. -Me

    • Take it and decrease the height of the entire thing by a factor of 2. Could you send me the pic? I don't have the Infinity Manual.

      -Pallas Athene of Dysian Beta, Obish Consensus Representative
      -Nieru Dast, {M}ilitia Aeriane
      -Danae Vernius
      "Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal

    • I'm not sure I like the idea of all ships having the troop transporters...

      One thing I should point out: We can (and should) have more option than the basic 7 ship classes. Thus I propose that the only basic ship to have transporters should be the assult carrier. This places more importance and tactical value on the ship, as well as provide the player with an interesting challange when they aren't allowed to build them and the computer is. We could also have other tertiary ships with transports that aren't as versitile as the assult carrier in earlier or more difficult missions.

      Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
      -Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

    • --//S'pht Translators Active//--

      I think it adds a certain flavor (insanity?) to the game. I do know for certain (thinks strongly?) that the Colony ship has to have troops. The Marathon did, I know. And also, maybe the fighters shouldn't have troop transporters, but I'd think there were troopers (sucky Phfor?) on the Sfiera and the Khfiva. Maybe elites shouldn't be assigned (dumped on?) to less than Battleships as well, but they definitely should be on the Battleships, Dreadnoughts, and Colony Ships.

      The Cruiser and Frigate still aren't working.

      I like the idea of alternate ships, personally. We should probably make a MkI Colony Ship, like the Marathon. It would probably be a good idea to make stations for each race too- we've seen the Jjaro station, sort of, and it's not too hard to extrapolate with the other races' designs. Other ships, let's see...
      S'pht Assimilator (Sounds good)
      Jjaro Foldship (Warps planets)
      UESC Flagship, the Merrimack (Big nasty thing)
      Nebulon Starhome (Movable base)

      -Pallas Athene of Dysian Beta, Obish Consensus Representative
      -Nieru Dast, {M}ilitia Aeriane
      -Danae Vernius
      "Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal

      (This message has been edited by Pallas Athene (edited 01-19-2001).)

    • Actually, I'll just make a quick runthrough of the way the Marines are deplyed, so it can be debugged on whether it will actually work:

      The Object is the version of the ship labeled "1 Elite, Nonfiring" in the Developer's note. The device reloads in 15/20 of a second

      ACTIVATION ACTION: Alter BaseType, Reflexive, Preserve Ammo, "1 Elite, Firing"
      Alter BaseType, Reflexive, Delay 16, Preserve Ammo, "1 Elite, Nonfiring"
      Fire the Trooper Teleporter (I won't go into detail here)

      The "1 Elite, Firing" object is a duplicate of "1 Elite, Nonfiring," except its special weapon, the teleporter is replaced by a device with the following:

      ACTIVATION ACTION: Alter BaseType, Reflexive, Delay 2, Preserve Ammo, "0 Elite"**
      Fire the Elite Teleporter (This will remove a trooper, but we'll assume they're included)

      For Assault Carriers, there will be a "2 Elite, Nonfiring" and "2 Elite, Firing" version, and will
      --Alter BaseType, Reflexive, Delay 2, Preserve Ammo, "1 Elite, Nonfiring"--
      instead of the marked action (**), then use the above. Unfortunately, computer controlled ships will dump the marine immediately, but this creates an actual use for fighters (Really?! I never would have guessed!)

      -Pallas Athene of Dysian Beta, Obish Consensus Representative
      -Nieru Dast, {M}ilitia Aeriane
      -Danae Vernius
      "Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal

    • Progress Report:
      Bomber --Yes----Yes----Yes

      --The (url="http://"")UESC Frigate(/url) has decided to work.

      -Pallas Athene of Dysian Beta, Obish Consensus Representative
      -Nieru Dast, {M}ilitia Aeriane
      -Danae Vernius
      "Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal

      (This message has been edited by Pallas Athene (edited 01-20-2001).)

    • Ambient sounds: Just for fun, let's make planets a little different, and have them play ambient sounds within a ranged distance. It was fun hearing them in Marathon, so why not in Ares?

      All ships will have Shields = to their resource cost x10- therefore 6250 for a Jjaro Dreadnought, 600 for a UESC Colony Ship, and 280 for a Nebulon Scavenger.

      Bomber : (2 Rsrc, 200 Shields)
      L1: Kinetic Laser (And this time it'll be red :), Not turreted) (KINLASER)
      2 BOBs
      If a Bomber arrives at a Troopship, it is equipped with one Fission Torpedo (FSN TORP), a light missile. The Troopship's energy will be decreased slightly.

      Cruiser : (5 Rsrc, 500 Shields)
      L2: Laser Cutter (LASR CUT) (Red Particle Beam, shorter range)
      L1: Kinetic Laser Turret (LASR TRT) (KINLASER turreted)
      5 BOBs

      Frigate : (8 Rsrc, 800 Shields)
      L3: Mass Driver (MASS DRV) (25 Rounds, significant damage, nonturreted)
      L2: Laser Cutter (LASR CUT)
      8 BOBs, 1 Marine

      Battlecruiser : (15 Rsrc, 1500 Shields)
      L4: Fusion Missiles (FMISSILE)
      L2: Laser Cutter (LASR CUT)
      10 BOBs, 1 Marine

      Monitor : (25 Rsrc, 2500 Shields)
      L4: Fusion Missiles (FMISSILE)
      L5: Wave Motion Cannon (WAVE MTN) (Ok, it'll be the Colony-Eraser)
      20 BOBs, 1 Marine

      Flagship, Merrimack : ((only bought in just-conceived multiplayer level)65 Rsrc, 6500 Shields)
      L5: Wave Motion Cannon (WAVE MTN) (With two emplacements)
      L6: 2 Frigates, fired together (FRIGATE )
      100 BOBs, no Marines

      Troopship : (8 Rsrc, 800 Shields)
      L2: Laser Cutter (LASR CUT)
      6 Bombers, fired in trios (2 shots) (BOMBRBAY)
      50 BOBs, 2 Marines

      Colony Ship MkII : (6 Rsrc, 600 Shields)
      L1: Kinetic Laser Turret (LASR TRT)
      15 BOBs, 1 Marine

      -Pallas Athene of Dysian Beta, Obish Consensus Representative
      -Nieru Dast, {M}ilitia Aeriane
      -Danae Vernius
      "Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal

      (This message has been edited by Pallas Athene (edited 01-20-2001).)

    • Oh, Pallas: Open the MI map file with ResEdit, and the Pfhor Dreadnought will be pict IDs 160, 162, and 12420. The last one has another Pfhor ship in the background, maybe a Destroyer.

      Also, the M2 manual ship is Boomer, Durandal's Corvette. The model was changed from M1 to M2, with less curves and all. Check for something with Boomer written on it in the pict resources if you don't believe me.

      I've modified the Scalpal as per your ideas, but it's unlikely I'll get much more done this weekend. Spoony humans, I feel like I'm back on the Marathon with Bernard watching over me again.
      (url="http://"")http://www.geocities...k/Scalpal04.jpg(/url) (url="http://"")http://www.geocities...k/Scalpal05.jpg(/url) (url="http://"")http://www.geocities...k/Scalpal06.jpg(/url)

      I don't like being a slave again. Maybe it'll go faster if I defrag my redundant external SPU cache field. As soon as I get my new home, they'll all pay.

      Signing off,
      Your friendly neighborhood rampant AI

      Never fly in front when attacking a Jjaro ship. -Me