Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Uh... Your #1 is limited by the maximum speed of the ship you're slamming around. If your target has a max speed of 250, and your bomb has an impact of 31337, then when the bomb hits, the ship will be moving away from the explosion at a game speed of 250.

      Ares may allow explosions to propel ships much faster than their maximum speed, but Nova will not (Sans Afterburner).

      Ditto #3.

      This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 13 November 2006 - 09:42 AM

    • Would that still apply when the ship is disabled or in the middle of exploding? :huh:

    • If any of you ever thought of wanting to make police interceptor patrol crafts that actually gives off siren sounds and an officer communicating to you to halt and stuff, I was thinking making a gun weapon that shoots off invisible sprite at very very long distance and at incredible fast speed enough to reach you doing zero damage. It be enough to have the AI fire those weapons, but instead of getting hurt or anything, you'd hear "Halt, this is the police!" and hear sirens wailing (even though it's outerspace, but ideal for making a Cowboy Bebop TC).

    • Even though it's outerspace, they'd still have radio's.

      Throw in a slight radio-crackle effect on top of that sound, sort of like the escort voices from EVC.

    • Right now I'm tinkering with the Override port in trying to get the trick of having a player with a rocket launcher being able to plunder turreted rockets from Voinian warship when the player doesn't have a rocket turret. So far I had thought I got this close but get different side-effects due to failure.

    • I'm wondering if it's possible to have weapons pass through ships, causing damage as they go through, have them come out the other side and go through more ships, basically causing damage to or destroying multiple ships with one shot. Anybody who has played Ares should know what I'm talking about.

    • There is a way to do it, I'm not exactly sure how. It involves recursively-submunitioning guided missiles that explode, then submunition, then continue exploding.

    • Maybe the Ghost Shots method could be used in this case? Except that you'd set the ProxSafety to something small, like 5, then have the shot submunition into itself, rinse and repeat?

    • The problem you're going to have, is that if a shot sprite is in contact with a ship sprite, it won't sub.

      Sure, you can cause it to sub before it makes contact with proxradius, however, then you have the problem of the resulting sub in contact with a ship, which will end the shot. You could make the sub not able to hit ships, but then you have the problem of when to sub it into a dangerous shot again when it is clear of the target, but not yet hitting another.

    • Hm... I wish it was possible to sub it into two different weapons, that would make my life much easier...

    • If you could sub into two different weapons, you could somehow make one explode and the other sub again every frame.

    • I'm surprised that this isn't already in this topic:

      Changing the font used for dëscs in WinNova

    • About the shots passing through ships, wouldn't it be possible to have a flak-type weapon that has a greater prox radius than range and a 1x1 explosion radius. This way it wouldn't hit a ship (because it is still in its prox radius) and therefore it would still sub into the next instance of itself, but the explosion would still cause it to "hit" the ships it is in contact with at the end of its life.

    • @bmac, on Jun 22 2007, 07:25 AM, said in Cool Nova Hacks:

      About the shots passing through ships, wouldn't it be possible to have a flak-type weapon that has a greater prox radius than range and a 1x1 explosion radius. This way it wouldn't hit a ship (because it is still in its prox radius) and therefore it would still sub into the next instance of itself, but the explosion would still cause it to "hit" the ships it is in contact with at the end of its life.

      Did you mean prox safty, or prox radius?
      Prox safty greater than range will cause it NOT to sub or explode, but it can still hit the ship, ending the shot.
      If prox radius is too big, it will sub before it is close enough to look like it hits the ship. (and I hear prox is measured from ship center - not mask edge)

      Prox saftey doesn't prevent the munition from hitting things, just prevents exploding or subbing.

    • In one of the hack topics I read they found a way to make shots pass through ships entirely, and I think it was with prox safety. As long as you can do that you can make shots which travel a certain distance, explode, and submunition into itself again. It wouldn't be foolproof but it would work most of the time...

    • You could always make the shot submunition into two different shots, one of the same type (which does no damage, fades from screen at end of life, and submunitions immediately), and one that explodes immediately doing damage.

    • A shot can't submunition into multiple types of shots, only multiple shots of one type.

    • @lnsu, on Jun 29 2007, 01:56 PM, said in Cool Nova Hacks:

      You could always make the shot submunition into two different shots, one of the same type (which does no damage, fades from screen at end of life, and submunitions immediately), and one that explodes immediately doing damage.

      You can only have one type of submunition. On the other hand, you can make the "parent" weapon explode immediately and have it sub into the harmless one with the exact same result.

    • @phyvo, on Jun 29 2007, 03:18 PM, said in Cool Nova Hacks:

      In one of the hack topics I read they found a way to make shots pass through ships entirely, and I think it was with prox safety. As long as you can do that you can make shots which travel a certain distance, explode, and submunition into itself again. It wouldn't be foolproof but it would work most of the time...

      But wasn't that by making it a planet-type weapon and not prox safety?

      Anyway, it doesn't matter. The real problem is not about how to get a shot to not detonate, it is how to get the shot to know when to be able to hit ships and when not to.
      I stand by my original assertion.

      Desprez, on May 26 2007, 08:48 AM, said:

      The problem you're going to have, is that if a shot sprite is in contact with a ship sprite, it won't sub.

      Sure, you can cause it to sub before it makes contact with proxradius, however, then you have the problem of the resulting sub in contact with a ship, which will end the shot. You could make the sub not able to hit ships, but then you have the problem of when to sub it into a dangerous shot again when it is clear of the target, but not yet hitting another.