My Nova TC Factions has run into one small problem in release time. Ok as the thread says 'too many systems' I have 'too many systems' as I have ahem 992 systems and I haven't put them all in yet! :eek: I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to get through putting stuff in them (they are just placed and don't have anything in them) quickly. If not then sigh I'll just have to do it the LONG way.
Oh I am using the 'Filler' idea from the Non Technical Nova Bible because otherwise I only had about 150 systems. But now I have 992 systems :frown:. If you think I should I'll just have to remove all the Filler systems. Though I don't really want to as that would make the galaxy depressingly small (hey I even thought that the Nova galaxy was small!). I also decided to cut the galaxy in half by placing a supposubdely impenetrable Nebula to get rid of about 300 systems. But the galaxy is still too big :frown:. I want to keep it the same size but I don't want to have to fill it all (ironic that isn't it...).
Oh well evening all i have to get back to work. Now how many spobs is that...
Hey! If I want cheesey pufes, I'll get cheesey pufes!
-Eric Cartman Law Enforcer
"Respect my Authorita!"