Originally posted by Opalius:
Sure you can, disable it, capture it, and make it yours. and... you've got the coolest ship availble to a noncheating player
Cool... So, what's your technique for disabling a ship with no shields?
/EDIT/ Oh, I see... Opalius was talking about the arada.. the next post was talking about the azdara... sorry for the smart-A comment... /EDIT/
Also, people find it difficult to keep a supply of SAE Modules without doing the igadzra plot... I never had a problem with it. I would get igadzras as escorts, and when I'm low on ammo, release them, disable them, steal the ammo, then capture them again.
And since we're talking about getting the coolest ship you can get, how about the dreadnought? I've captured it before. It's a fun escort when you get 4... that's a LOT of intercepters flying around.
You get the mission, capture the ship, and then I forgot if it showed up again or if I had to abort and take it again... but I know I still have the pilot file around here...
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(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 02-29-2004).)
(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 02-29-2004).)