Okay I've got my gövt set up.
I'm calling it the Mercinary Guild. They aren't one race or species, they are a group of individuals from just about every major race and/or gov. (similar to the Zachit), who rent out their solders to all the other govenments, and also protect the surrounding independent systems from renagades/pirates. Thier ships are generally have moderate speed/menuverability, with lots of heavy forward-firing particle-based weapons.
Particle Cannons
Standard fighter/light warship weapon. Build with a forward-fireing turret. Weapon
effeciveness is limited, due to decay of weapon power. Enhaced version (longer range,
more damage, no decay) available for med-heavy warcraft.
Neutron Cannons
Heavy fighter/warship weapon. Slower rate of fire than particle cannons, but far more
destructive. Four barreled repeater version used on heavy warships.
Ion Beams
Very heavy large warship weapon. Drains fuel extreamly quickly, but deals massive
Flak Turrets
They only fully turreted weapon used by the Guild. Used for fending off fighters. Limited
'Viper' Class Space Superiority Fighter
Light figher-scale shield, but very menouverable. Armed with three particle cannons.
'Basilisk' Class Assault Figher
Heavy fighter-scale sheilding, but somewhat clumsy for a fighter. Armed with six particle
cannons, and two neutron cannons.
'Hydra' Class Corvette
Light capital-scale shielding, almost as menouverable as a heavy fighter. Armed with eight
particle cannons, two neuton cannons, and one ion beam.
'Scylla' Class Patrol Frigate
Moderate capital-scale shielding, average menouverability. Armed with eight enh. particle
cannons, two neutron repeaters, and two ion beams.
'Chyribdis' Class Carrier
Moderate capital-scale shielding, slow menouverability. Armed with six enhanced particle
cannons, two flak turrets w/20 shells, 12 Viper fighters, 5 Basilisk fighters.
'Bahamut' Class Battlecruiser
Heavy capital-scale shielding, slow menoverability. Armed with 12 enhanced particle
cannons, four neuron repeaters, 2 flak turrets w/20 shells, four ion beams.
'Levithan' Class Feighter
Classic frieghter. What else is there to say? Armed with 1 flak turret w/16 shells.
So, what do ya think?
Confucius say: "Man who stand on toilet, is high on pot."
(This message has been edited by Servack (edited 06-21-2000).)