Originally posted by Michael_Sas: **
Just three quick questions**
Welcome to the boards Mr. Michael_Sas.
To answer your questions:
1) Will you be updating the PoG walkthrough & compendium for the new plug?
Yes, I will be doing that in the near future. I will update the walkthrough with info on this plug-in systematically; meaning that I will put basic information(what spells and items are available) on there first, then at a later date I will go through the quests, and then I will reveal everything there is. But I don't intend to do all that right away, as I would like to see people being able to solve/find things on their own for a little while at least.
2) I get the feeling that there is a quest based around disappearing nights (from the rumours at the Tower)? How do you start that thread?
From Websters, the definition of a rumor: "An unconfirmed report or story."
Not all rumors are correct, and not all rumors pertain to this plug-in. Similar to the standard game of PoG, I have put in some teasers to things I already have plans to do for future plug-ins. I have also put in things that I have no plans to work with, but thought maybe they would spawn others to use the ideas. And some are just plain wrong rumors. Oh, and some are very accurate... 
So don't drive yourself too insane looking for this that and the other thing based soley on a rumor. Actually, that's good advice for life too... 
3) Feel like giving any hints concerning items for the swordsman/ranger?
For the swordsman you should go to your guild. There is a short quest that begins within, and I believe the guy who gives you the details/sends you on the quest will also tell you the various rewards you can choose from. Once you complete the quest you might want to save your game before speaking with him to claim your reward, just in case you want to choose different things and check them out before making your final choice.
Ranger's do not have any special quests and thus do not have any guild-specific items within this plug-in. However there are some new items that they can use, along with the other classes.
Unfortunately, you are going to have to win them by fire. There is a new breed of sea giant that hangs out around gidolan keep. They look the same(same graphic) and are not really all that much more difficult to fight, but they do have a few surprises to them, hehe. They drop some nice equipment and gold, and they can drop the new equipment that I have put into the game.
Thanks for the questions. If you have more feel free to post them.
(url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/pogwalkthrough.htm")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/plugins/dev_tools.htm")PoG Dev Tools(/url) | (url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/plugins/spells_expander.htm")Spells Expander(/url)
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