The Aeon EV Community Web Board has a new look! Come check it out:
The Aeon EV Community Web Board has a new look! Come check it out:
Aeon has also completed its first non EV program: EasyEdit 1.0. It's release and details will be posted this Friday - be sure to watch out for it!
We are also working on some other projects we think you might be interested in. Come check out the details when they are posted on the new site.
(This message has been edited by Inigmatus (edited 07-26-2000).)
Who.. or what.. is Aeon???
Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...
Originally posted by Alien 5672:
**Who.. or what.. is Aeon???
A good idea that failed because of arrogant management.
tear it down - AIM: G2uidehatr - - Rip the System!
If it failed why are we still around Producing stuff?
Microsoft Works is a oxymoron
Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
**A good idea that failed because of arrogant management.
... but are now back up and running with a new look... and a new mission...
Anyways, we dont seem to have a 'management' these days...
AIM: HEGildor
WARNING: I cannot be held responsible for the above, as apparently my cats have learned how to type.
Originally posted by ~Patton:
**If it failed why are we still around Producing stuff?
Aeon was founded when... last fall? Nothing has been released, as far as I know.
tear it down - AIM: G2uidehatr - - Rip the System!
Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
**Aeon was founded when... last fall? Nothing has been released, as far as I know.
Oh man of little faith... wait 1 day... geez
If you'd have been paying attention ( ;)) you would have noticed EE going through several development stages... </sarcasm>
these things take time...EHHA was not written overnight - it was started over january time, and is still about half-way there... we cant work 24/7 on stuff...
AIM: HEGildor
WARNING: I cannot be held responsible for the above, as apparently my cats have learned how to type.
(This message has been edited by Gildor (edited 07-27-2000).)
E.H.H.A. will be released soon, the only mistake Aeon EVER made was advertising too earily, we always have had a mission and now we are producing a wonderful plug-in.
Microsoft Works is a oxymoron
I still don't know what Aeon is.
Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...
Aeon is a team/company that gathered about 50 EV/O fanatics to produce plugins sometime in October of 1999. I tried running it like a professional company for four months before it nearly floped. It stayed in limbo as we all took a leave of absence for school, when some Aeon people regathered together in January to work on individual projects (like EHHA and EasyEdit). It's been bumpy, granted, but it's been fun. In June we redefined our mission: a public forum and board to advertise and hook up with others to work on EV/O plugins, and other software ideas. In July, and this week, we are relaunching our website and revamping our look and feel so that we can finally publish our work for the public with the completion of several projects now headed for public release soon.
If you want to find out more about Aeon, check it out here: (url="http://"")
Shade remembers when Inigmatus was a wee little newbie and reflects upon this..
AIM: Shade3742
<---- The information went data way ---->
"It's your asphalt."
(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)
You won't even tell us the general idea of Easy Edit yet?
AIM: Shade3742
<---- The information went data way ---->
"It's your asphalt."
(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)
"One out of many"!!!
ahem... exactly what I was wondering... What is Easy Edit, not EV related, so I hav eno speculation.
Anyone know what happend to the Xianu Override plug-in? Y'know, the huge total conversion that was in alpha a few months back? It's page is down (I think) and if it was released I missed it. Uh-oh...
Lunar 2
One is back, new and