Before you start reading this it is long, so don't start unless you intend to finish. I know that this may be too late for input into EV3 but I have a few suggestions, which i think would make the game better (By the way if there are any typos in here I'm sorry, after all I am only human).
Using sprites for spöbs, to make stations/planets animated.
The use of drawing a line for weapons, instead of using reference to a pict resource. LIke one of the weapons in Ares. So that devolpers would need to state the colour, length and perhaps the thickness of it, kinda the use of a beam weapon.
Making the convergence into cloak gradual so that you don't cloak as soon as you hit the button , but gradually cloak. Like in Star Trek when a ship cloaks it doesn't just go "ping!" and disapear it gradually fades away.
The ability for AI's to cloak would also bring better effect into the game. So that that they too could have the advantage of cloaking, thus adding more challenge into the game for the better players.
This one may sound a bit stupid but one of my friends told me to put it in...
Having wormholes. So that if you fly into one, or land on it it can take you to a different part of the galaxy or something. -
The abilty to perhaps build/buy stations or set up base on a planet for mining/manufacturing, make a center for your "trading empire" or perhaps allowing some other means of income. News stories like "Ganymede sold to stellar corp for 15000 credits" doesn't really mean anything unless you had the chance to buy it yourself. This would also mean that you could have a chance to defend your own planet from renegades, send out patrols or even have your own private miltia force. (Doubtful)
A radar interface that is easier to read. With little triangles showing where ships are, what alliance they're with etc.
The abilty to zoom in and out showing where ships are in relation to your own instead of guessing by firing turrets. A larger playing area would be nice either that or something to stop the AI's from going off of the playing area leaving you stuck and not being able to go any further to catch an enemy.
Larger variables on MaxShipsInSystem, MaxShipClasses, MaxWeaponTypes, MaxOutfitItemTypes, MaxMissions, MaxShotsOnScreen and MaxNebulae. These won't really make any difference for the player but a whole lot of difference for developers like myself. Allowing us to create larger more expansive plug-ins.
Other little things like OnMouseOver actions on buttons, maybe a more animated interface. In fact i'd better stop your eyes will be getting sore. If anybody else has anymore suggestions (Which I doubt, I think I've covered almost everything) please reply.
If you've got this far then well done.