Today, June 30th, is the birthday of MATT BURCH!
So, what are you fools waiting for.......fill this string with many happy returns! And be quick about it!
Today, June 30th, is the birthday of MATT BURCH!
So, what are you fools waiting for.......fill this string with many happy returns! And be quick about it!
(In swallowed voice)
Message from Chamrin: Don't use so many '!' that it makes you scroll left and right, oh and Happy Birthday Syntax.
(This message has been edited by Chamrin (edited 06-30-2000).)
Happy birthday to you (cha cha cha) Happy birthday to you (cha cha cha) Happy birthday Mr. Burch (cha cha ha) Happy birthday to yooooooooooooou (cha cha cha).
:eek: :eek:
Feel the Jive
I'm not as think
as you stupid I am.
If anyone noticed, if you turn on EVO today(or with the clock set to 6/30/00) a small faded message will show up in the bottom left hand corner that says 'Happy Birthday Matt!' Score one for the programmers.
Oh no! It's locked!-Harry
Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
Eat staples electro-breath-Harry
Some people need to wash their gene pool
A.S.S Cuisine reporting for duty!
Oh! There is one thing that I've noticed. June 30th is Matt's birthday, good yeah?
BUT as an Australian I'd just like to say.
OMG! It's June 30th the day the Government brings in the GST Tax!
The Government has ruined this day for an enire nation!
Good luck turns to bad luck when something like this happens, right?
PS Ignore me I am completely and utterly in favor of the Australian oppostion.
Once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Come October, come October look what's commin' for yer.
Looks what's commin for yer in Election month!!!"
- The people's song.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Damn it. These enhanced Azdaras move like the macho boar who didn't quite clear the electric fence!!
- GEMKA- Zidagar War hero.