Actually, for the record, Von Cerringbërg destroyed it in 0.001 seconds, but slowed the relative time for all involved/viewing to 47 to make it more excrutiating/impressive, respectively. FreePorn Industries vanished in a blinding green flash, waves rising seemingly slowly as Nash-Burn felt his flesh atomizing.
Just to clarify how the Blue Hole is back to be disgusted, after vanishing in a poof: it vanished to the 6th dimesion, where logic doesn't apply, so it forgot about the introspective and then reappeared.
The blinding flash of green light from Von Cerringbërg's attack was, somehow, intense enough to pass into the Blue Hole and be the predominant color in it's "gamma-ray-passing". The Blue Hole, not realizing the color is not caused by it, begins to worry about it's control over the color blue, and receeds to a corner of the galaxy to charge in blueness. It begins to feel depressed...
Nash-Burn was called to the 6th dimesion from a latent gravity surge from the Blue Hole's presence there, and was reincarnated since logic doesn't apply there, so he can be alive after dying. However, noone knows how the Uzbekistani commandos got to the 6th dimesion...except for the goldfish.
Von Cerringbërg begins to feel uneasy from the evil flux being caused in the 6th dimesion from the evil plotting, but he ignores it for the time being. He knows he is one of the most powerful forces in the galaxy...he fears only one thing, which isn't in the galaxy. (Von Cerringbërg will be eliminated in a while, but for now he wishes to wreak some more havoc in the name of insanity and good taste)