Originally posted by khelereth:
**Hi, I've been playing EV for a few hours, but I don't get what's so fun about the game.
Everyone says EV/EVO is a great game so I want to enjoy them as well! 
I find that some ships are very expensive. Do those ships have real kick ass weapon graphics?
What about the enemies? I was expecting a Sci-Fi war like Starcraft but rather the graphics are less detailed and interesting. Hardly no special abilities, etc.
I enjoyed Cythera, Ferazel's Wand, Barrak and Harry; especially Ferazel, but can't enjoy these EV games! :mad:
This game is really fun. Just go to my strategies post for good info on how to start out. Try exploring to the north and east. Don't go south or west yet. You'll find yourself severly suffering after being killed there a couple of times. Go to Earth to get into the UE trading program. As soon as you build your cash flow by becoming a trader, you can start getting better weapons and better ships. I suggest aiming for an arada or scoutship. Then build up your combat rating by destroying renegades or voinians (unless you want to become one of those). This game is slow and boring at first but soon it becomes awesome. You'll find yourself smiling as you are kicking the voinian dreadnoughts @$$ in your UE Cruiser with 6 Igazras as your escorts and 5 UE fighters and 8 Azdaras pouring out of your unbeatable ship. One of the things I like about this games is it's freedom. You can side with any goverment you want and kick some serious @$$.
Don't give up yet! This is the best game I have played (and basicly beaten) in a long time.
Feel the Jive
(Insert cool quote here)