OK heres some more details on how things are going.
The Galaxy is based on the largest accurate star wars map availiable and contains all quadrants and sectors of the starwars galaxy with planets and systems accurately mapped.
As the galaxy is so large the emphasize with regards to ships and outfits will be on variety.Using individual makes and models of weapons rather than the vauge
descriptions of SW2 for example at the moment there is 5 varieties of Turbolaser batteries, each with there own advantages and dissadvantages.
THere will also be the same variety for blackmarket Upgrades- making full use of
the negative and new Modtypes from EVO 1.0.2.allowing for the dramatic upgradig of stock ships which is often seen in star wars- Wild Karrde,Millenium falcon etc..
IT will also include a large variety of Marine outfits such as Stormtroopers, gamorreans,Rebel troops,Royal Guard, etc.
So far we have been concerntrating mostly on creating all the new ships and working out a combat system.with the the help of 1.0.2 the combat system is far superior to the farce of SW2, we have been trying to create a starwars feel
to the combat with emphasize on fighter dogfights.And as it is at the moment it is very challenging.
The missions will follow what I think is a pretty revolutionary format for EV plugins.The completed plugin will have two parts a base plugin containing the galaxy and all the associated resources as well as the stock variety of ships.
There will then be another 'Mission pack' plug containing missions and associated resources for a specific period of the Star wars Saga for example the original trilogy or the Era of Grand Admiral Thrawn.The mission pack will also contain any special ships or graphics/movies associated with the perio i.e- Death star,Suncrusher,scimitars,etc. This superscedes many of the llimitations of the EVO engine which might cause problems for a plug such as this.
The emphasize on missions will be on open ended missions not playing replacements for major charachters but interacting with the central events and charachters of the Star wars Universe with diverse open ended mission structures, and of course big battles,
This is the status of the Plug so far-
47 basic ships so far.Only three more to go.
Combat system is being tested.
Outfits and weapons done.
All sectors+most systems in place.
For those interested in helping-There are 3 people working on this so far,and as far as I can see theres not much which needs a lot of help with.But if anyone has knowledge of Bryce and/or other 3D programs then we would appreciate some more graphics work as our Graphics Guy has a lot of work on his hands.Also if you are interested in helping and have a good knowledge of either Star wars or EV editing then then your help would be appreciated.BTW-does anybody any starwars resources such as WEG RPG Source books etc. or the guide to weapons and armements or knows of any useful SW web resources??
At the moment I'm working from loads of novels the galaxy map and the star wars encyclopedia.
For those interested in either helping or beta testing then mail me.
whooo this post is long...=)
'Stormbringer!' he cried and then the
hellsword struck his chest.
He felt the icy touch of the blade against his heart,
felt his body constrict,
felt it sucking his soul from the very depths
of his being,felt his whole personality being drawn into the
net](http://mailto:jr.watkins@virgin.<br />