Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Council station? What for??? + background

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      Do somebody know how to be welcome on council station??? I have tried to let the strands dealing with themselves and to kill every renegad I saw, but The CouncilStation was always forbidden to me. How can I be a good egg or better with council Station.

      PS: I'm fond of roleplaying games and EVO background can be very interessant, but all the sites Isaw about this game were like: "This weapon is good, You can sell your food there caus' the price is high " and I saw no sites about history in EVO. If you know a site like that, please tell me his URL.

    • A good way to get onto Council Station is by accepting a cargo mission going there. Not that you'll find the station that interesting...

      Of course, you could also just dominate it. 🙂

    • Its just there for plug-in developers to mess with.

    • "interessant"??? Hmmmm....

      Bonjour, Monsieur Chapo! Ça va? Un Français, n'est-ce pas? Je suis traductrice de français ŕ anglais.

      ("interessant"="interesting" in French--he inadvertantly used this word in his post)
      Good day, Mister Chapo! How's it going? A Frenchman, right? I'm a translator from French to English.
      (translation provided as a courtesy to English speakers, and because I almost got banned from the EVO board for posting in French with some Canadiens)

    • I almost got banned from the EVO board for posting in French with > some Canadiens

      Are you serious?


    • Well, I suppose that is possible...

      En espańol: Pues, supono qué es posible...
      Éste es para todos de los habladores de espańol. Yo no quiero hacer faviritismos en perjuicio de alguien. 🙂 (I don't think there is such a thing as a spanish smiley.)

      In English: This is for all of the speakers of spanish. I don't want to discriminate against anyone.

      (This message has been edited by Chrestomanci (edited 10-19-99).)

      (This message has been edited by Chrestomanci (edited 10-19-99).)

    • Perhaps it would have a moustache. :})

    • Cool face! how about giving him a hat <:}) You could also make his moustache go the other way <:{)

    • Geez! From Council Station to posting in different languages? This topic is wandering aimlessly!

    • "wandering aimlessly"? just like every other topic on this board.

    • Now that we're at it:

      "Ich finde, wir brauchen hier auch mal 'was auf Deutsch."

      Translation: "I think we need something in german here."


      "Men mit modersmĺl er dansk. Har nogen af jer vćret i Danmark nogensinde?"

      Translation: "But my main language is danish. Has anyone of you ever been to Denmark?"

    • well, no never been outside of north america. and since we are on the subject of foreign languages, why not some pig latin (hell, i'm in college; we're expected to regress some).

      ellway, no evernay eenbay

      nah, forget it. too much work. stick w/english. easy it is (does yoda count as a foreign tongue?).

    • Now for the total computer nerds:


      Hello, My e-mail address is:<br>
      <A HREF=""></A>!


      Hello, My e-mail address is:!

    • <A href=">goombas page</A><H4>-this is a cool website with some links and cool pictures on it</H4>

      My website is at it's called goomba's page and its cool

    • <confused> I never really figured out HTML. </confused>

    • OK, discussing about languages is very interessant but I don't think I will have a "good egg" status on council station (or better) by speaking french (salut la traductrice) or german...

    • If you absolutely must have a positive status with Council Station, why don't you try doing what The Council wants you to do?

    • Jag har varit Danmark en gĺng, jag kommer frĺn Sverige!


      I have been in Denmark one time, i'm from Sweden!

      Sorry i can't help you whit your question, my computer sucks, so i cant have that game... im thinking of buying something new, maybe a Macintosh G4?

    • Yeah, G4s are good. Just stay away from the 400mhz varieties. Get the top o' the line.