Andrew M: I disagree with your assertion that escorts are trouble. In fact I don't know where you're coming up with that. The only times they are annoying is when you need to disable a ship (either to ravage it or for a mission), and they seem insistent upon destroying it. However, this can be solved by hovering your finger above the "c" key to stop them at a moment's notice. You also mention that Crescent ships in general have poor armor, which is valid for when YOU are buying one, but for escorts it's no problem at all, since most of the time your enemies will be concentrating their fire on you, leaving your escorts free to pick them off one by one, with little retaliation. 
Other than that, escorts can be extremely useful. The best ones tend to be large ships with big secondary weapons, since AI doesn't seem to use laser weapons that well. To replenish their supply, land on any planet (even unihabited ones!), and they are good to go and kick some ass for you again! 
I agree with Porkness, to date the Igadzra are the best escorts I've had. The large number of SAEs are what really make them awesome, as well as some Dispys, and the turret weapons are resonably good (although as I stated above, AI doesn't use laser weapons very well).
Oh, and another thing: although I settle for Cresent Warships and such as escorts, I generally prefer ships which DO NOT have fighter bays. The launched fighters do etiher nothing or nearly nothing, and end up just being 1) a memory hog, and 2) distracting and annoying for you. This is another good quality for the Igadzra. Laizdras (sp?) are also quite good overall, the only major drawback being that they tend to get killed off pretty fast in heavy action.
Finally, I would like to mention that if you are paying out of pocket for your escorts (hiring them), then it's certainly not worth it. The only way to go is to force them into servitude by capturing them. Get a UE Cruiser with four sheild upgrades, and you'll never lack for escorts. 
MisterT's quotes to live by:
I pity you, foo! There's no room for you here, sucka!
WWMD: What Would McGyver Do? <---Think about it!
Friends Don't Let Friends Vote Republican.
Lord protect me from your followers!