Ah yes, we have all dreamed of Multiplayer EV/EVO, have we not? All those computer control ships no longer computer controlled, but by people, haha, yes people. Before I go to far... posters of saying "HAHAHA, it's never going to happen" and "keep dreaming" and "there's a better chance of me waxing my cat" or whatever, please be kind of my fragile self damnit. (can I say that? no? dagnamit!) Anyways, multiplayer EV... It's like my dream, I'd pay $50 for it and then $10 a month (and when your income consists of change found between the sofa cushions and left over lunch money, that's alot) Of coarse, it'd probably be a pretty monsterous undertaking, but hey ambrosia would make some serious cash on it. Several things would have to be implementated, I'll make list what comes to mind maybe we could get a whole perspective thing going on just how big an undertaking it would be. note when i talk Multiplayer EV i'm thinking a server everyone connects to so there's one big happy world, not just something you and your buddies do together on your lan (well, maybe that too)
Well, something to verify versions along with all the code to connect to the net and such, don't know too much about that but it's probablt not too too easy.
Speedy servers to relay positioning data/keep track of where everyone is, etc. this would be why a monthly cost would be involved.
Tweaks to the system, some sort of gestapo to keep the big guys from going on killing/looting sprees. Maybe like strictly inforced systems and not ones, something like that. Would take a good month of beta-testing to get a good balance going.
some sort of system where non-player pilots are still generated (more stress server side, hmm bandwidth maybe being a problem. maybe a standard way non player pilots would act with just some sort of syncronyation between the client and server, i dunno). EV is big, there won't allways be thousands and thousands of pilots to keep the universe alive.
it's late, brain....sleepy... think of anything else amy comments please please reply
Uh, I though really hard for a really long time for something witty to put here, but like, nothing was happening when i was thinking, sorry.