It might be possible to have a "Jump Route Computer", an outfit for about 10000 credits, that you could purchase at higher end outfiting shops. It would choose the most direct route to wherever you want, without taking things like your fuel range, renegade systems, hazards, etc. There could also be a "Renegade Protection Module" that would prevent the route chooser from going to systems where pirates are frequently encountered, and then there could be similar modules for Voinian systems, and Igadzra, and Azdigari, Zidigar, and Uninhabited, Miranu, and UE, or sytems that have lots of asteroids, or interference, or..., or..., etc. then there could be a auto route chooser that automatically sets the shortest route to the destination of the mission with the nearest date limit (as in you don't even need to go to the map). If the first outfit cost 25000 credits, and each subsequent module took 5000 credits, and the auto router about 100000, you would have to work for a while before you could get it. It would fit the story line since only the big warship captains or prosporus traders would be able to afford the things, thus they would have to have allready done enough of mapping to get sick of it.