What are the most effective primary weapons against Voinians? Which secondary weapons?
The strongest against Voinians is the Emalghia cannon, but it has short range. The Neutron and Blaze cannons also work ok against voinians. However, the Phase Cannon does hardly any damage.
Not sure about secondary, but I think rockets and Igadzra SAE's work well.
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Innovative concepts in exposing city kids to nature."
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Space mines work wonders...
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Originally posted by ShadeOfBlue:
**The strongest against Voinians is the Emalghia cannon, but it has short range. The Neutron and Blaze cannons also work ok against voinians. However, the Phase Cannon does hardly any damage.Not sure about secondary, but I think rockets and Igadzra SAE's work well.
Phase does more damage than blaze, I'm pretty sure. SAE's tend to hit the asteroids too much. I personally use Defense pods. Get many launchers, and they work very well. Space mines are hard to hit with without damaging yourself.
"Am becomink system administrator of all Borg functions."
"You mean..."
"Yes. Am becomink root of all evil."
-PitrAIM: obormot345
I have always used 2 em. cannons with 3 neutron turrents. It really
works well. Since I like the Igadzra I always use the plasma siphon.
It never runs out and you can hurt armor with it. I also use the needle missle system as it works as well as anything else in an astroid field. You
can also get 250 of them for zero space. If that is not great I don't
know what is. The 3 needle launchers only take up 45 in space total.------------------
Here's what I found:
Phase cannons: they don't do anything to armor
SAEs: they always hit asteroids, and they're not that powerful
Emalgha cannons: they're okay, but the turrents don't really work, and their range is really short.I've decided to use 5 blaze turrents and hunter missiles. What do you guys think?
Blaze vs Phase.. hmm..
Against armor blaze cannons do more damage per shot. however blaze cannons are very inaccurate. Phase cannons on the other hand, do less damage to armor, but more of the shots actually hit. I think in the end Phase cannons are better, simply because they're more accurate. (unless you have the shields/armor to go toe to toe with a voinian ship long enough to kill it, because at any range other than point blank, blaze cannons are worthless)
SAE's work good if there are few or no asteroids in the system. Otherwise i just didnt use secondaries.
NightHawk The Sane
(url="http://"mailto:nighthawk@eego.net")mailto:nighthawk@eego.net(/url)nighthawk@eego.net -
Weapon Stats.
Blaze cannon:
6 Energy dmg.
5 Mass dmg.
Reload: 12 (about 3 shots/second)
Count: 20 (about two thirds of a second)
Speed: 1250
Inaccuracy: 7 (7 degrees to either side)---
Phase cannon:
15 Energy dmg.
4 Mass dmg.
Reload: 24 (about 1 shot/second)
Count: 18 (about two thirds of a second)
Speed: 2000
Inaccuracy: 0---
Nuetron cannon:
32 Energy dmg.
17 Mass dmg.
Reload: 25 (about 1 shot/second)
Count: 50 (about 2 seconds)
Speed: 750
Inaccuracy: 1 (1 degree to either side)---
Emalgha cannon:
5 Energy dmg.
25 Mass dmg.
Reload: 24 (about 1 shot/second)
Count: 40 (about 1 and a half seconds)
Speed: 500
Inaccuracy: 5 (5 degrees to either side)--------
Notes: some turrets have less count and more inaccuracy than the cannons, however all turrets have double the fire rate of their cannons, however since the Emalgha turret is actually a swivel weapon and not a turret, it fires at the same rate as an Emalgha cannon.so in a nut shell, the best all-around weapon are neutrons. although if your in a fighter (or other small ship) and your not fighting Voinians, GET SWIVEL PHASE CANNONS!
- Mordon
Duct tape is like the force, it has a light side and a dark side and it holds the universe together.
- Mordon
oh, uhmm.... by the way, rockets do the most mass damage, SADs/SAEs do (almost) no mass damage (lots of energy damage though) and Defence systems do reasonable mass/energy damage.... i don't use secondary weapons though...
- Mordon
Duct tape is like the force, it has a light side and a dark side and it holds the universe together.
- Mordon
Rockets and Hunters are the best way to go. But if all you want is a firefight then go with blaze cannons.
I did really good on my driver's exam. I knocked down all the cones. -
I'm absolutely sure that blaze does more damage to armor than phase. When I was in a UE Destroyer with only sensor upgrades and 3 blaze guns added, I could kick the snot out of a Voinian Frigate head-on :D. With phase?... it's not quite that easy :frown:.
"Arthur Philip Dent?" pursued the alien in a kind of efficient yap.
"Er...er...yes...er...er...," confirmed Arthur.
"Your're a jerk," repeated the alien, "a complete kneebiter." -
Hmmm Blaze or Neutron? I think I'll go with the neutron. It's more effective, has a longer range, and heck, I have a lot of space in my Igazra. But what secondary weapons should I get? Here's what I'm thinking about:
Rockets: Powerful, but unguided.
Hunters: A weak guidance system, longer range, but they don't pack as much punch as rockets.
Defence Modules: Are these good against armor? Do they have a guidance system at all, and will it crash them into asteroids?
For a secondary against the Voinians I always get different things for different ships.For a fighter,I always get rockets so I can utilise my speed to the maximum.However,in an Izdara you would probably be better with needles and hunters.Lots of them.
I use Defense pods in my Igazra. They have no guidance. Technically speaking, they have the same guidance as space mines, but very short life. They're good against armor and don't damage your shields. The best tactic with them is buy a lot of launchers, and sit on top of the target vessel holding down both fire keys.
God. Root. What is difference?
-PitrAIM: obormot345
I think I'll go with the hunters. I don't really want to sit on top of the enemy for the use of Defense Modules as he blasts me away, nor do I want to have to go back and forth between Voinian and Renegade space after every battle to buy needle missiles.
In my sweet little Azdara, I just fire phase, cloak for a while, fire phase, cloak for a while, fire phaze...
If I get bored, I just deploy twenty five other Azdaras from my Hangar Bay and let them do the rest. I like EVO cheater.