I'd go with the alien cruiser....
I'd go with the alien cruiser....
deffinatly the Alien Cruiser
Cap'n Hector Must DIE!!! wrote:
**I'd go with the alien cruiser....
That would be a close one. I'd have to go with the dreadnought. Because the rockets pack a punch.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Yeah but you would have the ailen fighters kicking the intecept's ass.....
Cap'n Hector Must DIE!!! wrote:
**Yeah but you would have the ailen fighters kicking the intecept's ass.....
True. However the fusion beam is not really powerful, and the neutron turrets on the dreadnought are more powerful than the heavy fusion beam.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
yeah, but the alien cruiser has an insane shield recharge rate
Alien Cruiser, no contest. The fighters would pick off all other ships and then focus on the Dreadnaught. They have Igadzra-strength shields with the regen rate of a small fighter. Also, they are very fast and maneuverable. The cruiser itself has a load of seeker drones, and the heavy fusion beam is respectably powerful, and unlimited. It can also fly circles around the dreadnaught; it's surprisingly fast and maneuverable for a cruiser, and the dreadnaught, well..."Evasive maneuvers, helmsman!"..."I said evasive maneuvers!" "I am!" "Oh...I couldn't tell."
Say, someone should make a plugin porting the aliens and pitting it against the dreadnaught.
Say, someone should make a plugin porting the aliens and pitting it against the dreadnaught.
yeah, i think i'll go do that, shouldn't be to hard...
Kinda hard to decide you have to take in AI differences with the current AI, the Alien Cruiser would probably win, but the EVO 1.0.2 AI will @$$rape the EV AI.
OpenGL Avara!
AIM: EVAndrewM
"Man who stand on toilet is high on pot."
I made a plug-in pitting them against each other. It was a pretty long battle, but in the end, the Alien Cruiser always won.
"Scorpion petting zoo-
Innovative concepts in exposing city kids to nature."
-Gary Larson
(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)
One question to Andrew M.Out of curiosity,did your signature come from a game called 'Shadow Warrior'
Bad Temper wrote:
One question to Andrew M.Out of curiosity,did your signature come from a game called 'Shadow Warrior':)
Yeah, that's what it sounds like. Could've been from a Linux fortune, too. Actually, most of these sigs could've come from fortune files.
Analysis, Mr. Spock?
AIM: obormot345
Alien Cruisers kick ass, the Dreadnought sucks, The Alien Cruiser would win.
However, Alien Cruiser weapons are designed for shields not armor, especially Vonian...
My enemies all bear a striking resemblence to space dust. You will too.
Bad Temper wrote:
One question to Andrew M.Out of curiosity,did your signature come from a game called 'Shadow Warrior':)
No, it was a friend in a weird mood and and a misdirected e-mail.
OpenGL Avara!
AIM: EVAndrewM
Confucious say; "Man who stand on toilet is high on pot."
(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 04-15-2000).)
One more thing--
The Alien Seeker drones would hit the asteroids, b.c. the Dreadnought is always around asteroids, where as the turreted rockets are most likely to hit at closer range. The drones fire kinda sideways, than find the target. They hit asteroids. Boo hoo. Aliens would still win.
So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...
The Alien cruiser would win hands down on account of one thing....its fighters.
No voinian weapon would touch it...the rocket is to slow and unaccurate....the same can be said for the neutron turret. While the may hit once and awhile, the fighters recharge rate would more that make up for that.
It may succeed in destroying the cruiser, but it would fall to the fighters.
Hi think that the Alien Cruser would win, but it wouldn't win by much...
G@rett wrote:
**It may succeed in destroying the cruiser, but it would fall to the fighters.
Nah, it didn't even touch the cruiser. Like I said, I made a plug-in pitting the two against eachother with the exact specs and graphics they normally use and the Alien Cruiser was always able to completely destroy the Dreadnought and all its fighters without it or any of its fighter being destroyed.
"Scorpion petting zoo-
Innovative concepts in exposing city kids to nature."
-Gary Larson
(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)
I wouldn't mind a copy of that plugin.
send it to me (url="http://"http://gajet@pacbell.net")here(/url), please
Sorry about your starship, Captain ga'Krüg, but as we say on Earth :
'C'est la vie'!
-Admiral Williams,
Shortly after the defeat of the 3rd Gaitori fleet.
The Aliens, they are too fast(fighters) for any Voinian tec, and they have 500shields(I think) so they would win.
Any site I can download your plug-in on?
If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh"