Which plug-in was it that let you be an asteroid miner and gather "asteroids" to sell for profit? I just loved doing that and i can't remember which plug-in it was.
Which plug-in was it that let you be an asteroid miner and gather "asteroids" to sell for profit? I just loved doing that and i can't remember which plug-in it was.
New Horizons, I believe.
Certain ships were given the appearence of asteroids. Using a special beam weapon, you would break the asteroid apart into smaller asteroids which you could board. Every asteroid has quite a bit of metal for their 'cargo' and you would take it. At least that's what I think, I could be wrong.
I had the same problem. Don't download it from the New Horizons site, that is a bad copy. You'll have to download it from the Virtual FTP site found on the official EV site. It's worth it, oh god how it is worth it.
Now the only problem will be the 40 meg NOVA download.