Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Pathfinder skill and other stumpers!

      I'm stumped! I've been playing this game for a while now. I'm at level 18, and I just killed the cyclops. Now I have to get to High Garendall. I keep hearing folks talk about these "special skills" and I have yet to get some. Please enlighten! 🙂

      Also, I have tried again and again to get through the molespiders cave to get the harp, but I keep dying. I gather I have to catch the dark fairy (to bring to 'ol "whats his face" in Berglum for the cap), but can't find the fairy!!! (I'm thinking it's because I lack a special skill?)....

      Okay one more...I've made it to the second level of the learning tree. I've searched for "orders", and "High Garendall". Everything else draws a blank. Am I on the right track??

      Okay, enough questions! Thanks all!!


    • Hi Lynn

      The harp is not in the MolespiderCave. (I have think the same first :)). Read carefully, what Mary Kristina tells to you.
      For the Dark Fairy -> Find the harp, bring it back, get a new Quest from MaryKristina, fullfill this Quest and you got all, that you need, to find and get the Dark Fairy, bring it back to Heldan and get his hat and THEN you can walk into the MolespiderCave 😃

      Often you are to early at a place, that you must visit later again.....keep it up

      Best Regards

      "HE who has won against every Molespiders, Mindhunters and Cyclops out there....Thank you Heldan"

    • Many thanks shoplifter!


    • actually, heldans hat isnt neccessary(sp?) to get throu the molespider cave. just have a bunch of healing infusions (or concoctions, or potions, or filters of healing) and you should get to the bow with ease. just dont run into 2 mindhunters at a time 🙂

      "The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That's where we come in: we're computer professionals. We cause accidents."
      -Nathaniel Borrenstein

    • When I was going into the cave, the game opens a dialogwindow that informs me, that I must have something, to protect my mind.
      And the Mindhunters allways came as a duble or trio, to get me down. With the hat, another dialogwindows opened to me and informs, that the hat should protect me well. So, why the "Hard-Way" 🙂

      Best Regards

      "HE who has won against every Molespiders, Mindhunters and Cyclops out there....Thank you Heldan"

    • Hey folks - thanks for the clues! I accomplished those quests and I'm now trying to get into High Garendall. I was hoping the key that I got from the Cyclops worked for that entry door, but it wont.....hmmm.......


    • The key from the Cyclops? You mean the key that you get after you defeated the last of the ten Cyclops near Dernath, right?
      If so, it's only for their treasureboxes (in the same square where you fight against them).

      Best Regards

      "HE who has won against every Molespiders, Mindhunters and Cyclops out there....Thank you Heldan"