Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Purple Haze Bar

      18 155 1311

      Before I start is this OK mods? EV/O people do this and their prettty cool.

      1.No handheld weapons acceptable exept your wand
      2.Only the 6 spells in the game and seeds and dagger and ice pick. you can have potions but that's all nothing made-up one can write as ferazel unless your name is ferazel(i.e. Ferazel_09)
      4.don't go indepth on a kill with description of the blood and gore!
      5.Goblins will accasionaly invade so feel free to write about some coming in(no bosses!) killing other people w/o perrmision
      7.You can reincarrnate and have rez's
      8.Have fun 🙂

      Overrider720 walks in ready to serve himself at his new bar. Amazingly ferazel immediatley runs in followed by 5 axe goblins Ferazel shouts "Help me" but they sliced ferazel and knocked him down and started for Overrider720 he took out his wand but the goblins were on him. Can someone help me?.......

      All quite on the western front.
      But not for long...

      (This message has been edited by Overrider720 (edited 04-23-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by Overrider720 (edited 04-23-2001).)

    • Ferazel(09) runs in and shoots the goblins. He kills most of them, but the remaining severly injure him before Overrider finishes them off. He then turns to the bartender, "A health potion and a glass of heavy beer please."

      Quote ViaVoice, "Hal Cohen help build Satam sand scratch a flat surface scratches that some scratch that scratches that scratch facts scratcher wraked this scratched tax costs tax this. " 😕 Is this ViaVoiceian?

    • As the many patrons of the bar scatter, one remains. A tall figure in a dark cloak reveals an old wand and fires several shots at the Goblins. He walks up to the new Goblin statues and replaces his wand with a new weapon, his prefered weapon, the ice pick. Within a few moments there is nothing remaining but four piles of rubble, and a wonderful hand-carved statue, which he belives represents the rebirth of mankind in a modern neo-preon existentialistic society. 🙂 He then sits back down at his table and finishes his drink in peace.

    • Gar! You beat me to it this time Ferazel (0_9) 🙂 And I just realized I broke the rules. :frown: Come on why can't we use the ice pick and dagger?

    • You can use them read the rules again

      All quite on the western front.
      But not for long...

    • In all the action the bartender was killed so Overrider720 took over but as if things wern't hectic enough the bar shook and rocks fell from the ceiling but they were thrown by rock goblins they were hitting everyone everybody was hurt what will happen to us everyone cried.

      All quite on the western front.
      But not for long...

    • Emperor Ent dodges most of the slow blouders with ease. Using Bommerang he manages to block the rest of the boulders and kill a few goblins. However, he is caught off guard when a second wave of Goblins enters the room. Armed with deadly swords, the evil beasts form a circle around our heros...

      (I think it was ferazel_09 who started a topic similar to this before, unfortunately we can't search. Does anyone know why not?)

    • Merciless stumbles into the room with Zelda on his arm. "Wha's all....this c'moton in heeeearrr....." A loud whumping sound is heard as Merciless slams head first into a bar stool.

      Zelda, being a woman of impeccable taste, stays by Merciless in his time of need. 😉

      (ed. note: what? It's late and I'm trying to be funny... :p)

      -- Jeff
      "All I know is that wherever Ben goes, great software follows." -Merciless

    • Zelda sighs heavily and tosses a fireseed casually at an approaching sword throwing goblin. "Sorry, I don't have the time for a longer more sporting fight right now."

      She catches Merciless before he completely falls to the floor and with some effort and a few near misses, finally manages to helps him slide onto the barstool. She looks up to explain to the barkeep, " he can't hold his drink. He does manage some great quotes though. I stick around and steal what I can. After all," she smiles, "I have impeccable taste."


      All I know is that wherever Ben goes, great software follows--Merciless

    • Overrider720 attacks the remaining goblins with statues and Emporer Ent uses his ice pick to shatter them. all of a sudden the mail arrrives with 10 bags of 50 multy crystals in each one there is chaos and everyone is killing each other over the bags Overrider720 casuily grabs one bag taking all 50 and stops the chaos with a few able to kill statue spells and puts an end to the chaos all of a sudden bags with crystals still in them start to explode killing many people. He breaks one of his own 50 realizing thay are equppied with Ziridiium Seeds obviously sent by Xichra he quickly breaks as many and throws away as many as he could but the last 29 of them kill him easily luckily he bought a Rez at the Desert Stand but dosn't work until someone activates.

      Meanwhile everyone is severly injured or dead except Zelda, Merciless, Ferzael, and Emporer Ent will they help our bartender

      All quite on the western front.
      But not for long...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Emperor Ent:
      (I think it was ferazel_09 who started a topic similar to this before, unfortunately we can't search. Does anyone know why not?)

      Yeah, I did. It was a 'team story' see the Cythera boards.


      Ferazel(09) throws a fireseed and starts using V-Blade.

      Quote ViaVoice, "Hal Cohen help build Satam sand scratch a flat surface scratches that some scratch that scratches that scratch facts scratcher wraked this scratched tax costs tax this. " Posted Image Is this ViaVoiceian?

      (This message has been edited by ferazel_09 (edited 04-24-2001).)

    • All of a sudden everything disappers all the injured and dead wake up. and then Emporer Ent points out a mysteries figure in the corner and takes out his wand ready. He says "You shall all be punished for not supporting Queen Xichra!!!!" Merciless grabs Zelda ready to defend her 😉 the figure see's Zelda and Mericiless
      and heads toward through them. People try to reach them but no one can move their feet Zelda and Mericiless are in peril!!!!

      All quite on the western front.
      But not for long...

    • Zelda glares at Merciless. "Look at the fine mess you've managed to get me into THIS time. Did I ask to come in here? just had to DRAG me in!" Zelda leans back and whispers to Overrider, "mmm..I could really really use an energy potion right now. One for me and one for my friend here. We apparently have some work to do. Oh, and if you have any ideas, I'm rather open."


      All I know is that wherever Ben goes, great software follows--Merciless

    • Merciless has since regained a normal level of soberness and has evaluated the situation. His conclusion: "Oh dear".

      "Fear not, fair maiden Zelda! I shall protect thee from said mysterious figure!"

      Merciless lifts Zelda onto the bar counter (out of harm's way, naturally). "Don't go away. I'll be right back! CHARGE!!!!"

      Merciless charges towards the mysterious figure and engages in arduous battle; much banging and beating of heads is observed.....

      -- Jeff
      "All I know is that wherever Ben goes, great software follows." -Merciless

      (This message has been edited by Merciless (edited 04-25-2001).)

    • (this is my hundreth post!!!!!!)

      All of a sudden the figure grabs merciless and taps him with his wand making him disappeir to the A Scent of Peril Bar. the figure moves toward Zelda who is open for suggestions. Overrider720 says kick him, she does Overrider720 fires a V-Blade and slices his head off.

      All quite on the western front.
      But not for long...

    • Zelda brushes herself off and jumps down from the bar. "My, wasn't that fun. Thanks for the suggestion, Overrider. where did Merciless go this time? Scent of Peril bar? Well..." She begins to make her way towards the door, stepping over messy goblin guts. "I'd best be going about retrieving him then. He still didn't drink his energy potion, you know. Besides, I kind of like the big lug." Zelda reaches the door and turns to wave goodbye to all. "Overrider, you might consider holding a clean-up day around here. 'Beautify your local bar' or some such theme."


      All I know is that wherever Ben goes, great software follows--Merciless

    • As Zelda reaches the door, another mysterious hooded figure brushes by her and enters the room.

      Overrider 720 instantly reacts. "Out of the way, Zelda" he shouts.

      He throws a fireseed at the figure. The figure crouches and hides behind a shield.

      "STOP IT!" says the mysterious figure, who throws back the hood to reveal herself as MonsterLady. "I just came in here to get a Kokanee, but after that, bartender, make mine a Harvey Wallbanger." She finishes off the drink in 10 seconds, then looks around.

      "Anyone seen Merciless around? I wondered if he wanted to watch the playoffs."

      "He's at the Scent of Peril bar", Overrider tells her, somewhat abashed at his hasty attack. "Zelda, being a person of impeccable taste, is on her way there to fetch him."

      MonsterLady covers her head with her cloak and glides from the room silently.


    • Suddenly, an express postage letter arrives at the Purple Haze Bar.

      "It's from Merciless!" exclaims MonsterLady. Much tearing of envelope happens and the reading of the urgent letter proceeds like so (with Zelda doing the honours):

      "Hey guys! Well, here I am at the Scent of Peril Bar, and contrary to popular belief, it doesn't stink. If MonsterLady is around, tell her to get over here; there's a cooler full of Kokanee and Wildcat Strong and they're showing repeats of the Vancouver series! I have included directions on how to get here:

      1. Move over to the corner of the, not that one, THAT one! Yeah, there.
      2. Push the jukebox out of the way. HEAVE, ho, HEAVE, ho!
      3. Jump on the newly revealed teleporter.

      I'm not sure where the teleporter goes to on this end, and I don't really want to try since I love it here so much. Oh, and bring Zelda along too! We need some more ladies over here

      - Merc"

      -- Jeff
      "All I know is that wherever Ben goes, great software follows." -Merciless

      (This message has been edited by Merciless (edited 04-25-2001).)

    • "Well, I hope THEY don't attack me when I arrive" states MonsterLady as she moves over to the transporter.

      "Anybody coming with me? Zelda?"


      Where was Zelda?


    • A muffled cry comes from...somewhere. "Well, where ARE you?" MonsterLady demands, a bit impatient with the delay. The muffled cry took on a decidedly sarcastic tone. "Well, you don't have to get snippy with me," MonsterLady informs the voice.

      "Umm" another voice pipes up from across the room. Emperor Ent is seen pointing down to a hole in the floor with a bit of perplexment. "I think maybe she's down there. And if you don't mind," he moves away with an even stranger glaze in his eyes, "I don't think I particularly care to go down and look."


      All I know is that wherever Ben goes, great software follows--Merciless

      (This message has been edited by Zelda (edited 04-25-2001).)