Has anyone figured out what's wanted to exit the Dig going forward (i.e. not backing out the way you came in)? And how to get around those immovable rock liners?
Has anyone figured out what's wanted to exit the Dig going forward (i.e. not backing out the way you came in)? And how to get around those immovable rock liners?
Originally posted by beanyboy:
**Has anyone figured out what's wanted to exit the Dig going forward (i.e. not backing out the way you came in)? And how to get around those immovable rock liners?
You're thinking too linearly. Go down! (That's why it's called "The Dig").
May those who love us love us.And those that don't love us, May God turn their hearts. And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May he turn their ankles, So we'll know them by their limping.
Originally posted by MonsterLady:
**You're thinking too linearly. Go down! (That's why it's called "The Dig").
Yep...and look for gold xichrons to show you where to "dig."
I'd rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, we get to wear cuter clothes, and we're the first to be rescued off sinking ships.
You mean, you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?
Originally posted by beanyboy:
**Has anyone figured out what's wanted to exit the Dig going forward (i.e. not backing out the way you came in)? And how to get around those immovable rock liners?
AHH! Please don't ue the term, i.e., in front of me. It makes it sound like Internet Explorer (Microsoft sucks)....ugh..... Be cool, use NETSCAPE!!!!
"Have the lambs stopped screaming yet?"
"Heh heh, delicious...." (Toblerones :D)
"Soppy?!?! That's an insult!"
"And who's to blame? I could assume the loneliness of my white room."
Originally posted by SmasherOfPumpkins:
**Be cool, use NETSCAPE!!!!
Okay, sorry to get off topic but... Be cool use Netscape??? Let's see, the browser is old, outdated, big, poor at rendering HTML, slow, owned by AOL. Okay, so I'm not that happy about the other option, but at least it works good. Microsoft Mac products are starting to become good. IE is one of them. The least you could do is change it to: Be cool use iCab.
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/Ultimate.cgi?action=email&ToWhom;=Burnum")Stephen(/url) ż' ((url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ubbmisc.cgi?action=getbio&UserName;=Burnum")The Burnum Man(/url))
(url="http://"http://AppleInfo.net")http://AppleInfo.net(/url) - Apple history, news, tests, opinions, tricks, and more
(url="http://"http://SaveMax.org")http://SaveMax.org(/url) - The Max (From MacAddict) Fan Site!
"We Screwed Up, Clearly." Apple COO Marco Landi on the troublesome PowerBook 5300
Originally posted by SmasherOfPumpkins:
**AHH! Please don't ue the term, i.e., in front of me. It makes it sound like Internet Explorer (Microsoft sucks)....ugh..... Be cool, use NETSCAPE!!!!
I agree. By definition, Mac Fanatics, or anyone who likes the Mac does not use IE.
"Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream." -- G.W. Bush
"It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it." -- G.W. Bush
"Will the highways on the Internet become more few?" -- G.W. Bush
Bush is a moron! VOTE FOR ALBERT GORE!
I think MS has realized the Mac potential by using iMac colors in its browser. MS Office, however, is not my main WP of choice unless I'm writing a massive research paper which requires formatting.
So Bush says education is his highest priority?
According to the College Board, Texas is 44th in the nation for SAT scores (995 out of 1600). Yessir, leave no child behind.