I have been playing PoG for hours, my character's level is close to 20, but his stats never budged/increased, is that normal? Or is there something wrong with my game/character. Anyone please help or give suggestions, thanx a bunch.
Pillars of Garendall Question regarding STATS...
7 18 245
Originally posted by kevin_yoyo:
I have been playing PoG for hours, my character's level is close to 20, but his stats never budged/increased, is that normal? Or is there something wrong with my game/character. Anyone please help or give suggestions, thanx a bunch.they only hange if you get new titles like page, squire, knight. and you also usualy find elixir potions on your journys to move your stats along, also later in the game, you will be able to buy these elixers.
|(url="http://"http://www.macgamefiles.com/")Mac Game Files(/url)|(url="http://"http://www.insidemacgames.com")Inside Mac Games(/url) -
Originally posted by kevin_yoyo:
I have been playing PoG for hours, my character's level is close to 20, but his stats never budged/increased, is that normal? Or is there something wrong with my game/character. Anyone please help or give suggestions, thanx a bunch.You get your stats up by completing quests, and or finding potions that raise your stats..
Enie menie minie
moe... Oh, why not just
kill all of them. -
I'm trying to do the second quest from the trainer guy. I REALLY need to get a promotion or something because I'm vulnerable. I can't find the friggin' ghost swamp either! Can someone give me directions please?
Also, is PoG this difficult for everyone or am I the only one? I've been leveling and fighting and fighting and leveling, and it seems like the monsters that give you enough experience for your level are just too hard to kill.
The reason why I'm in desparate need of directions is because the last time I went east to go find the swamp, I had to kill a dragon, then I got chased away by two more. I'm so lost and helpless. Someone please enlighten me.
Thanx for your help.------------------
The swamp is northeast of the learning tree.
|(url="http://"http://www.macgamefiles.com/")Mac Game Files(/url)|(url="http://"http://www.insidemacgames.com")Inside Mac Games(/url) -
I knew that already, but those directions are so general, I got so lost. I went past the woodlands where the trolls are. Then I went past the termite place. But when I tried to go further, I got chased by dragons. Don't tell me that I hafta got through dragons to get to the swamp. One more question, what kind of monsters are there? What level should I try to be to beat them? What monsters are they harder than or easier than?
How far north should I go before I go east? I don't wanna get ambushed by huge dragons again.------------------
The swamp is filled with the undead, just buy yourself a nice bow, then shoot them down from a distance, they won't stand a chance. Also, more exact directions, go 2 screens east of the learning tree(yes, through the dragons again), and one screen north. The cave where the general is is one screen east from there.
Originally posted by Kireck L:
I knew that already, but those directions are so general,1east 1north 2east
|(url="http://"http://www.macgamefiles.com/")Mac Game Files(/url)|(url="http://"http://www.insidemacgames.com")Inside Mac Games(/url) -
Well I've been playing off and on for a couple of weeks checking things out and getting a feel for the game. My character is currently level 3 page (yes 3) str 13 dex 15 vit 44 spd 8 mrk 12 and luk 26. Let me say that getting these stats within the game (i.e. no cheat programs) requires ALOT of patience. Vitality seems to be most useful for me at first as I have 65hp at level 3, although I took AACs advice and grabbed a few luck as well.
Originally posted by FrogLogic:
**So...how'd you do it? The stats?
** -
Its not hard at all, refrain from fighting anything until you absolutely have to. Explore every screen that you can without getting killed and avoiding all monsters. Save before each rock pile, (bags don't seem to work so don't bother, I tried one for almost 3 hours). "Open" the pile and see what you get. If it isn't a stat potion particularly vitality or luck try again. Do as many screens as possible until the monsters are too fast to run from, then do the "prove your valor quest". This will take you to level 2 (and all subsequent levels) with ALOT more hp. Continue exploring new areas opening piles and avoiding fights until you can't take it anymore. The longer you go without leveling up the better your character will be in the long run.
Hope you have plenty of spare time!
what the ...
thiis what i posted;
the ways you can up your stats are
1.buy/find potions that do
2. get traned
3. get a weapon/arour peace that does. -
I know you won't be as powerful at as early a point in the game as you would using your technique...but I'm still a firm supporter of the play until you can buy the potions without a problem technique.
It requires less time, and you should still be able to create a character that's plenty powerful.
I see your point, but I can't help taking an oppurtunity when I see it. What can I say I'm a perfectionist....And I have never used any form of cheat program on any game but I do like to tilt the scales in my favor if possible within the game. This is nothing compared to me making a party for that other companies shareware RPG. Took me 3 months before I was satisfied.
BTW: My wife thinks I'm completely nuts...