-Lord Kannock-
How do you pronounce Ferazel? n/t
11 13 396
Check out the FAQ at (url="http://"http://www.ferazel.com")http://www.ferazel.com(/url) (FAQ are in the Treasure section I think). There are pronunciations for several of the Ferazel's Wand words.
Check out my Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide at (url="http://"http://employees.3gi.com/~ereid/ferazel")http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel(/url) -
And please, DON'T post n/t. messages. It looks infinetily lame in Bulletin Boards...
Ankh Starrunner, The Diamond Blaster -
Yes, very lame. (I have always wonder how to pronounce Ferazel though ;))
May Macs eternally crush PCs!-Admiral Dennis
(url="http://"mailto:admiraldennis@mac.com")mailto:admiraldennis@mac.com(/url)admiraldennis@mac.com -
Isn't it pronounced like Your Hazel? Your Hazel For Azel. (Phonetic spelling added for accurate pronounciation)
Small question: what is n/t? The message was very blank on my screen.
By the way, is it Your Hazel or For-Azel? Those two spellings have distinctly different sounds to my ears.
n/t stands for No Text. It's widely used in discboard type boards, where each message is seperate, in which case it's convenient to say it all in the subject and then inform that there is No Text in the message if you open it. However, in Bulletin Boards where the whole string is under the same subject line, n/t looks very stupid in the subject...
Ankh Starrunner, The Diamond Blaster -
Hmmmmm. This dialogue makes me wonder if there's a character in this game whose name rhymes with orange, purple, or silver.
Orange is too easy to rhyme, thoough. Depending on the way you pronounce the O of orange, it's either "our hinge" or "your hinge."
And if there's no character with such an offbeat rhyme in this game, I'm making this the call to arms for Ben to come up with another game, pronto!
"That's like people in Memphis trying to do the Polka." -- Tori Amos, on being served Texas-style steak fries while in Paris -
Ok. How about Fore Ay Zul?
I've always thought that "Frazzle" was perfect
For the longest time I thought it was FAIR -a-zel then the pronounciation guide came to be I begun pronouncing it fer- AY -zl. Then I listened to the Mac Show and they said FER -a-zel. I still haven't figure out the 100% correct pronounciation.
- The IgadzraLanding request denied.
I pronounce it Fir- AY -zel. That is what rhymes the best with "You're hazel", which is how Ben says to pronounce it on the website. I know someone who pronounces it Fair -uh-zel. Ben, could you please clear this up with some phonetics, please?
"It is not depravity that afflicts the human race so much as a general lack of intelligence." -
I may get trashed for saying this, but my opinion is that you can pronounce the names any way you dang well please, since no character speaks aloud at any point during the game.
Hmm...I wonder what a habnabit's speaking voice would sound like? Judging from the little noises Ferazel makes throughout the game, I'd say his voice is somewhere between Yoda and Donald Duck.