Originally posted by JJimWWhite:
I would like to thank the following screen names for helping me along on my Ferazel journey:
Jaelb, LT, Rilla, Merciless, Zelda, Dian, MissNif, Glenn, Cats, Croikle and
If it weren't for these kind and loving people, I wouldn't have beaten Xichra!
If you need any help, just ask me! I still need to perfect the levels, but I still have the rest of my life to do it!
Gosh, I love this game!!
Congratulations, Cal!! I know that I would not have made it through the game, either, without the help of many of the same people you listed. Have fun going back and replaying levels - in some ways I enjoyed it more when I played through the second time - knew what to expect. There were still those areas where it was, "Oh, no, - not THIS again!" Had to laugh, though, 'cause some things that had caused me SO much trouble the first time, I can now breeze through without a problem. Good feeling!! And I'm with you - I love this game, too! Again, Cal, Congrats!
