@cippy, on Nov 7 2007, 09:28 AM, said in Porting EV Plugins:
Just throwing this out there: I love the Clavius & Beyond plug, and definitely support what you're doing. Good work.
@beric, on Nov 7 2007, 10:09 AM, said in Porting EV Plugins:
You are correct, EVGE did have some weaknesses. But I just found it was so vast a plugin, with so many cool ships and some not half-bad missions, that you really didn't notice the "one-upping" you're talking about. And, until one got the alien marauder, EVGE was actually hard. The first time I played it, it was impossibly hard. Then I came back later, and it wasn't so hard, bt having to kill that alien marauder was tough.
Well, plugins grab us in different ways. I'm glad you had a good time with EVGE; it looked like it was well-crafted. It just didn't fit me, at the time. I might try it again and see if the years that've passed have been sufficient to change my mind.
There were also some minor annoyances that EVN could fix. The fighter bays, for example. Some ships were supposed to be carriers. However, because having just one bay enabled a person to get the max ships by having just one bay, then multiple bays just increased your fighter launch speed, not the number of ships one could carry, so some ships ended up having "extra" fighters which could not be replaced if they were lost. In EVN, a certain type of bay could have a certain limit of ships per bay, and a certain number of bays per carrying ship, depending on the class of ship.
Well, here's the only real problem with that.
EVN does have good features, and they'd really make things more convenient sometimes. But in the main releases of mine, they're not going to be used; the Nova engine'll only be turned to port the plugin, with the only changes being out of necessity (or in the case of typos, in which case they'll be fixed; the author shouldn't lose any face because of a small error they didn't notice). Gameplay, regardless of any minor flaws there may be, will be preserved if at all possible.
Now, there are secondary plugins, like for Guy's EVO port (Mischievous Mods, etc.) that I'd be cool adding in to make minor changes to things in main plugins. "The Grinchians" for Nova has something like that, with the Grinch Lightning Beam plug, which alters the appearance of the main beam to something I felt was more like the original. So I could have changes like those you mention in the secondaries.
New horizons was also a very good plug. Unfortunately, I quickly found that I could take any ship in the game out with a few upgrades on that 10m civilian ship, and could never find out anything about those weird aliens the game had, which seemed interesting. The RTDF string was kinda neat, though. And I liked the idea that everything was happening after the original EV, while containing some of EV's history, like outdated Confed cruisers.
I like New Horizons; I feel it has a good story. However, I completely understand it when people say that it was flawed, because it's true: they messed a lot of stuff up. The "modern" ships were all too much alike, so whenever I flew, I generally flew in old favorites -- either the Kestrel or the Rebel Destroyer. That was satisfying, taking out the results of a hundred year's of progress with traditional combat ships. In a lot of ways, NH was ahead of its time, but there were some things that could have been fixed or added that weren't the engine's fault.
In other news, "The Grinchians" has been released, and you can obtain it on your local EV Nova addons pages.
Kudos to Guy for extensive beta-testing, and giving me a clue as to what I needed to change to make it truly authentic. Similar kudos to Cleindori, who kindly went back and edited the plugin's description to something I sent her; the old one didn't say which port it was for, or even definitively that it was for an EV port at all. It'd be bad if we had Nova players trying to install it for the Nova scenario, and people who still use the original EV port installing the plugin for that.
I'm going to take a break from the physical porting for a short time, but plot out some of the details of the next adventure, with Clavius. With any luck, now that I know a lot more about the porting process, this should go by in a relatively short time.
I won't make any promises as to date or time of release, but be on the lookout for it "real soon"!