Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Does anyone have Battle Velocity 3.0 Graphics?

      Oreste 4.1 Graphics are crap

      As the topic description says...Oreste 4.1's graphics are puking ugly, BV 3.0 did a far, far, better job. While 4.1's storyline, weapons, missions, etc...are better, the graphics just simply aren't. And yes, I know I'm a bit late as far as "realizing" this is concerned, until now I hadn't realized BV had a new version to it...and I haven't been able to find the previous BV graphics in the downloads area, noting that I no longer have those old graphics.

    • Nevermind! After some extensive searching, it just so happens I found an old Escape Velocity and EVO plug-ins CD which happened to have the exact plug I was looking for on it. Replaced all the 4.1 graphics with the old 3.0 graphics. Wow, this game is SO much more fun to play now that I'm not all of squinting, turning my head away, being confused, and throwing up.

      If a mod would be so kind, this can be deleted, since it's of no use on the forum and just taking up room (is there a way to delete one's own topic? If so, I haven't found it...).

    • Stick the graphics up on the addons page.

    • Eh, no real reason to delete it. We can just let it fall naturally into oblivion like everything else.

    • Why would I stick the graphics up on the addons page? They don't work with Oreste 4.1 (there would be some ships without graphics, and the game wouldn't run), and the modified version of Oreste 4.1 graphics has been done only for my own use without the author's permission, so I certainly wouldn't be distributing it.

      Given the amount of threads on this board, the "bottom" doesn't seem very low.

    • You could try contacting the author to ask about posting it.

    • Stick the original 3.0 graphics on the addons page so we can hack them into 4.1.