How does one go about starting up the Confed String?
How does one go about starting up the Confed String?
Go to a Confed Planet that likes you (It's okay if there are others that hate you), go into the bar, and look for an offer starting with "As you sit sipping a Samarian Sunset..."
I did the Confed missions because I was bored, but I prefer the Rebels.
I always liked the confed line just because it had the only beam weapon- even though it was not any good- and because it gave easy, though expensive, access to confed cruisers. While slow as paint drying, I always love just tanking things. But.. uhh yeah, you start the confed string in a confed bar, i believe you need a combat ranking or decent or something.
kortez26, on Dec 30 2004, 03:52 AM, said:
I always liked the confed line just because it had the only beam weapon- even though it was not any good- and because it gave easy, though expensive, access to confed cruisers. While slow as paint drying, I always love just tanking things. But.. uhh yeah, you start the confed string in a confed bar, i believe you need a combat ranking or decent or something.
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Yea, can't recall the combat rating. I just got it. I got the mission on New Britian in the Rigel system. So start there and look everywhere else later.
Funny, according to the Confed Missions section in the Survival Guide, the mission should appear on Rebel planet bars. Maybe it's wrong.
Firebird, on Jan 6 2005, 05:34 PM, said:
Funny, according to the Confed Missions section in the Survival Guide, the mission should appear on Rebel planet bars. Maybe it's wrong.
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Well, maybe you can pick it up on Rebel planets. I'm not starting over just to find out. The particale beam isn't too bad. I just hate it when I run out of fuel. If you capture a better ship while you have the particle beam, it's ok to take it as your ship. It transfers with the move to the other ship. Just thought that might be handy.
I found the Particle Beam to be most useful in the mission where you had to take out a bunch of pirate Kestrels. Beam one to death, land, refuel, repeat. Other than that, yeah, the fuel cost makes it a bit annoying to use. It certainly takes things down quickly, though.
I think your talking about the Lucas mission with 10 Kestrels, 20 Lightnings, and 2 Corvettes. It is very useful. The fuel is a little annoying, but it's ok.
The Lightnings are, of course, the escort ships that come standard with every Kestrel. I don't think they're specifically added to the mission spec.
That's what I meant. I mean that The Lightnings come out of their ship.
duke_juker, on Jan 11 2005, 12:20 AM, said:
That's what I meant. I mean that The Lightnings come out of their ship.
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Whenever I played that mission in EVC, the sheer number of AI ships in-system would end up starving most of them severely for processing time. End result is they'd do stupid things and react in slo-mo, only firing at you after passing by and sailing onwards for the next half a screen.
Cue the arrival of the Nova engine (Or maybe just more processing power...) The Kestrels all know exactly what they're doing. And they end up forming one huge pack that spits a constant stream of blue fire at you whenever you get too close.
Doing this one in a Confed Cruiser was pretty tough, especially with all those Lightnings. Eighty laser cannons will drain your shields pretty fast.
edit: And the beam won't pierce through to hit multiple targets in EVC: Nova, either.
This post has been edited by Amnenth : 12 January 2005 - 03:50 PM
Amnenth, on Jan 12 2005, 03:48 PM, said:
Whenever I played that mission in EVC, the sheer number of AI ships in-system would end up starving most of them severely for processing time. End result is they'd do stupid things and react in slo-mo, only firing at you after passing by and sailing onwards for the next half a screen.
Cue the arrival of the Nova engine (Or maybe just more processing power...) The Kestrels all know exactly what they're doing. And they end up forming one huge pack that spits a constant stream of blue fire at you whenever you get too close.
Doing this one in a Confed Cruiser was pretty tough, especially with all those Lightnings. Eighty laser cannons will drain your shields pretty fast.
edit: And the beam won't pierce through to hit multiple targets in EVC: Nova, either.
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I did finally finish the Confed mission witha Corvette. It was hard to finish off the Alien Battlecrusier because it is like a Confed Crusier, but it was pretty easy since I've done it before. Anyway, Evula messed up on his site. All the misions are found of Confed planets. So, don't go to the Rebels for the missions for the Confed. Go to the Confed planets.
This post has been edited by duke_juker : 13 January 2005 - 12:16 AM
Just as a question, are you playing EVC itself or the EVC data conversion for Nova?
Amnenth, on Jan 13 2005, 01:16 PM, said:
Just as a question, are you playing EVC itself or the EVC data conversion for Nova?
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I am playing EVC for the Mac, not Port Authority. Why do you ask?
duke_juker, on Jan 14 2005, 12:33 AM, said:
I am playing EVC for the Mac, not Port Authority. Why do you ask?
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Ah. Well, it's 'cos I've found that the ships generally act smarter in the Port Authority conversion. Whenever I've managed to get myself into large fleet action (T.A.G.) or the alien ship missions in EVC, I found the mission's target ships often acting slowly, stupidly or some combination of the two.
This post has been edited by Amnenth : 15 January 2005 - 09:48 AM
<snip>(snip it if you forget) :mad:
This post has been edited by Swithich : 15 January 2005 - 03:57 PM
Swithich, on Jan 15 2005, 11:01 AM, said:
I see what you mean. They do act pretty stupid. EVC is boring in the fact they act stupid, but it's not totally boring. All the storylines are fun.
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Forgot to logout. My post. Sorry.
Sorry!!! :ninja: