Do they exist?
Hi guys. I am playing the EV:Classic total convesion for Nova. Just having some trouble starting the Fed mission string. I was wondering if there is a walkthrough or guide for EV like there is for Nova.
Do they exist?
Hi guys. I am playing the EV:Classic total convesion for Nova. Just having some trouble starting the Fed mission string. I was wondering if there is a walkthrough or guide for EV like there is for Nova.
If I'm correct you should be able to get it the same way as in nova. I think.
BTW:Souldn't this topic be in EV Nova Web Board
Scarab, on Dec 29 2004, 11:47 AM, said:
BTW:Souldn't this topic be in EV Nova Web Board
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I wasn't sure, since it could apply to both. Technically I'm playing Nova, but in spirit I'm playing regular ol' EV.
BTW....What did you mean by being able to find walkthroughs the same way as for Nova?
DFresh, on Dec 29 2004, 11:55 AM, said:
I wasn't sure, since it could apply to both. Technically I'm playing Nova, but in spirit I'm playing regular ol' EV.
BTW....What did you mean by being able to find walkthroughs the same way as for Nova?
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1. Ahhh
2. That you should be able to get it the same way as in Nova.
Federation 1 (428): Federation Resupply
Available from: Random Federation (128) spöb
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Spacedock III (136) in Alphara (131)
Ship Location: N/A
Ship Goal: N/A
Location: Outfitter
Random: 50%
Legal Record: 2
Combat Rating: 150
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 20 tons
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 30,000
Comp Govt.: Federation (128)
Comp Legal Reward: 5
If this isn't it I don't Know
I don't know if it'll do it, but it might help.
Try visiting bars on Confederate planets/stations that like you. No missions are offered through the outfitters in EVC.