I'd just like to take a moment to relate to the first time I played EV. (Face of remembering something that happened a long time ago) I remember it well... (/Face of remembering something that happened a long time ago)
Anyway, at first I didn't know how to do anything but gamble. I would start pilot file, gamble my money away, rinse and repeat. I looked at the mission computer, but, heh, I didn't know what in the heck it was. I finally learned how to jump from system to system, before that I kept trying to get to the other systems by going to the edge of Levo. When I got to Capella, I landed and bought a Defender. I thought that was the coolest little ship... Then it got blowed up by a pirate. At that time it didn't know about Open Pilot File, so I started over. Then I figured out the mission computer and got "rich." I thought that cannons could not be shot without a turret, and I got both, but it didn't show up in the secondary weapons thingy. I was stumped. Finally, I learned what a primary and secondary weapon was. From there, I learned how to play. I was just too cool to read the read me file.
That wedge of cheese
can't hurt anyone! So
don't dread it - it even
says not to