For that, Dash throws EVWeb into the acid pit, after kindly donating some concrete shoes to his cause. If you have to "go" anything, next time go classic, damn it... Nova is the ultimate EEVIL as I discovered when trying to make plugs for it.
Dash edits his post after making the realisation that we all regenerate on our own, but for some reason we like to come out of the box attached to the wall which we kindly named the regenerator. Dash comes out of the closet...err...refrigerator...err...regenerator, after regenerating already, and the fact that two of him exist in the same time period makes Dash and the Dash copy explode. Yay? Dash regenerates on his own, but finds himself walking out of the regenerator at the same time...Oh no, not again. Dash and the Dash copy explode...again.
Great, now I'm lost in the middle of Somewhere Else...explodes
There's no place like
One by one, the phantompenguins are stealing my sanity
(url="http://"")Atphome(/url)|(url="http://"http://")Prophecy Productions(/url)
(This message has been edited by Dash_Merc (edited 03-05-2004).)