specifics and the whole shizzle, please.
specifics and the whole shizzle, please.
Heh heh, somebody said "shizzle" in the ASW boards.
Well, the best way is to start by maxing out the turrets with protons and a laser or two. Then to max out cannons with lasers and a proton bolt or two, and if you want add neutrons or mass drivers (if applicable). Add tritanium armor and if you want add the other two (durasteel armaplast), don't add shield capicitors (they only add 1.5), add shield boosters if desired. Add all engine tweaks (thrust, maneuverability, speed) add all sensor mods (IFF, mass, jammer, etc) switch to whichever secondaries you prefer. recommend heavy rockets and torps. keep the lightnings. add whatever else you think is cool.
"Freedom is freedom to say that 2 + 2 = 4." 1984 by George Orwell
-Ultimate Rebel
shizzle... hehehe
Two words: Space Bombs!!!
(url="http://"http://directory.perfectparadox.com/profile.php?id=00080")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ubbmisc.cgi?action=getbio&UserName;=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.
For a warship, kestrels are about as buff as a peice of wet paper. The first port of call is to add tritanitum armour and possibly duratech, armaplast and the sheild additions. Then max out all the available weapons space by buying mass expansions (if you're planning on doing any main storylines leave 20 tons of cargo). Then buy as many proton turrets and laser cannons as you can buy (laser cannons do more damage/second than protons and have a greater range and accuracy). If you have any space left use it on buying missiles. And buy as many weightless upgrades as you can afford. Kestrels need all the speed enhancements to be used effectively. This setup needs a fair degree of pilot competance and the ability to evade enemy missiles whilst going in with your turrets/cannons for quick hit-and-run attacks and then retreating, whilst firing off the occasional missile to keep the enemy sheilds from recharging, whilst giving your sheilds some time to recharge.
If you're into planet domination though, just buy the speed upgrades and load up on missiles. Mantas and patrol ships are destroyed with only 3 missiles, and the missile's speed makes them the most suitable weapon for the job.
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Whenever I feel the need for exercise I lie down and let it pass - Oscar Wilde
Really if you want a bad ass warship, go with one of the cruisers. Although even after speed upgrades, the Confed Cruisers are still pitifully slow. Destroyers or frigates are really goo if you want more speed than the cruisers offer you, though they have less room for upgrades. If you find the kestrel isn't what you want, and you can' get any of the gov't ships, corvettes are very good if you are a competent pilot. (I'm not talking about combat rating mind you, that's just how many people you've killed)
"Freedom is freedom to say that 2 + 2 = 4." 1984 by George Orwell
-Ultimate Rebel
Originally posted by Destroyer E:
**shizzle... hehehe
Two words: Space Bombs!!!
<high five>
Do what Ultimate Rebel said. Also, ditch all your cargo space for weapons space (mass expansions), and buy bombs.
Originally posted by Ultimate Rebel:
**Although even after speed upgrades, the Confed Cruisers are still pitifully slow.
Not true. Surprisingly agile, if you fly 'em right. Upgrades are neccessary, however.
Edit: If you've never seen "shizzle" on these boards, go to B&B; more often.
You know, I was going to let you become part of my most erotic fantasies, but you can just forget it, write it off!
I keep thinking there has to be something better out there, because if there wasn't, I'd just curl up in a larval position and weep.
(This message has been edited by Rawzer (edited 11-04-2003).)
(This message has been edited by Rawzer (edited 11-06-2003).)
Originally posted by Rawzer:
Do what Ultimate Rebel said, ditch all your cargo space for weapons space (mass expansions), and buy bombs.
Not true. Surprisingly agile, if you fly 'em right. Upgrades are neccessary, however.
actually DE said that but I Meant to
"Freedom is freedom to say that 2 + 2 = 4." 1984 by George Orwell
-Ultimate Rebel
(This message has been edited by Ultimate Rebel (edited 11-04-2003).)
the best upgrade to do to a krestel is to capture a rebel destroyer.
But if you insist on the lightnings, protons protons and javlins make a good armament, and always get the 3 speed upgrades.
(url="http://"http://www.freewebs.com/hardslab/cheat2.hqx")Cheat 2(/url)
Cheat in almost any mac game. Even Nova... Even UPLINK.
Originally posted by Rick_Hardslab:
**the best upgrade to do to a krestel is to capture a rebel destroyer.
Heh heh. Right.
"Freedom is freedom to say that 2 + 2 = 4." 1984 by George Orwell
-Ultimate Rebel
Originally posted by Rick_Hardslab:
**the best upgrade to do to a krestel is to capture a rebel destroyer.
Too bad the Rebels would be pissed at you for doing that.
(url="http://"http://directory.perfectparadox.com/profile.php?id=00080")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ubbmisc.cgi?action=getbio&UserName;=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.
Akio is a good place to capture a Reb Destroyer. Be careful not to blow up disabled Destroyers that you fail to capture, the Rebs will not be pissed then. Before you do that though, you might want to capture and sell pirate Lightnings (still in the Akio neighborhood)-2 or 3 Argosy escorts will facilitate this- until you have as much cash as you want. I still play the original EV, or EVGE; because I do not like the mushy way the ships handle in Nova.
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