And i had seen a whole bunch of posts about people not being able to beat it. Only having 200,000 credits was no good either. Armed with a measly 30 torpedoes, ZERO lightnings, and my tritanium kestrel, i figured i would take a stab at it anyway. Whats the worst that could happen???
I jumped in, and see the fighter. I spen the first thirty or so seconds dodging the torpedo-type things it shoots and fireing a few back... meanwhile 8 mantas and two cruisers are laying waste to it. I come in close and notice its down to 55 sheilds. Weird.... i havent even been hit yet!!!! I fire the rest of my torpedoes, all hit, and it dies. The fighters left over wouldnt die after 3 minutes, so i checked back on palshife to see if i won... and i did!
That was really easy, and i dont understand why people thought it was so difficult...
How do i get the tractor beam?