help, i cant find any missions!! The only ones I can find are the ones from the Mission Computers, and also the one where you have to transport a criminal... where can i find some other ones?
help, i cant find any missions!! The only ones I can find are the ones from the Mission Computers, and also the one where you have to transport a criminal... where can i find some other ones?
More missions will come up if you increase your combat rating to Ultimate.
You have to get a positive rating for some systems before you start getting the storyline missions. Usually it takes +1 or +2 rating. You can get to that by killing pirates, or picking off mantas or patrol ships. If you can stand being on the run from a government.
<Insert Clever Saying Here>
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I like eggrolls. Can anyone teach me how to make them? Seriousily...
alright cool thnx u guys
I believe you can also get missions while just flying around, like saving screwed cargo ships, etc...or, when you land on a planet, if you go into the bar (especially in systems very near to pirate-frequented areas) you'll undoubtedly find these. In order for the pirate-type missions to come up, I believe your combat rating has to be at not quite sure, though. Good luck!
"you're turning into a penguin. Stop it!"
"Better dead, than Confed!"
One by one, the -phantompenguins- are stealing my
I'm like a superhero, but with no powers or motivation.