Anybody know where I can find the plug-in "Final Battle"? I tried downloading both of the plugs that were on the add-on boards, but the first one wouldn't unstuff, and the second one had badly corrupted graphics.
Anybody know where I can find the plug-in "Final Battle"? I tried downloading both of the plugs that were on the add-on boards, but the first one wouldn't unstuff, and the second one had badly corrupted graphics.
(url="http://"")Here.(/url) Not sure that it works, though.
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Please don't write out of the space.
You should try (url="http://"") Hopefully you'll find it there if you can't find it at Luke's link.
"Freedom is freedom to say that 2 + 2 = 4." 1984 by George Orwell
-Ultimate Rebel
Nothing at download.
Hey i got mine from the escape velocity add-on website. i think it was called Final Battle 4.0 it worked for me the graphics were fine. However there is a bug in it but that isnt until late in the story line i am trying to get it fixed though Actully AJ is doin all the work. I should say he is trying to fix it.
Hawk Man