Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Quote

      Originally posted by EVWeb:
      **Well, be forewarned this is not finished yet, well you can download it here:


      When are you going to update it?

      I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

    • Maybe this weekend, but I have stuff to do, but will try. 😛


    • Quote

      Originally posted by EVWeb:
      **Maybe this weekend, but I have stuff to do, but will try.:p


      Thanks. What kind of stuff?

      I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

    • Had to do English project. Will work on it next weekend. Will hope to finish it. 😛 Check out my pictures at the image gallery.


    • (quote)Originally posted by EVWeb:
      **Had to do English project. Will work on it next weekend. Will hope to finish it.;).

      I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

    • Yeah, I guess I have. Anyway, have you noticed how I say anyway a lot on these posts too? 😛

      PS: I'm really tired, so I'm acting screwy.


    • I updated the addon, but still is not finished, but I did make a guide. Anyway, it is updated. 😛


    • Quote

      Originally posted by EVWeb:
      **I updated the addon, but still is not finished, but I did make a guide. Anyway, it is updated.:p


      Thanks for the guide, its great! You finally made a guide. Missions and outfits are upcoming too, know when I can see them? But what was fixed in your Add-On? Was bugs fixed? I guess its 0.2 now.

      I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

    • Made more missions on the Lethe side. 😛


    • Quote

      Originally posted by EVWeb:
      **Made more missions on the Lethe side.:p


      Thumbs up. How many missions were added? How many missions is there total for both sides. But dont put stick tongue out smilie in every post. It doesnt make sense if you note a serious thing such as now. Only do if something funny or humorous happen and you want to be witty, but show it was a joke so the other side is sure to not take offense.

      I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

    • I have no clue on either question. But you will like the next update. Look at the guide again, but the ship got messed up so it will be awhile before I can put it in an add-on.


      (This message has been edited by EVWeb (edited 04-21-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by EVWeb:
      **I have no clue on either question. But you will like the next update. Look at the guide again, but the ship got messed up so it will be awhile before I can put it in an add-on.


      No clue? Surely you as developer must know that. If nothing else, play both strings though and count how many missions you got from either side. You will a new ship? Ooh! I like new ships! What was the ship? Did the graphics got messed up or stats? What is this awhile? A week?

      I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

    • Well, I don't know when it got messed up but the new Lethe A. Clipper got messed up, the graphics were messed up by Bryce in the motion lab and so I'm going to remake it but make it look ezactly the same. Anyway I can fix it tonight most likely.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by EVWeb:
      **Well, I don't know when it got messed up but the new Lethe A. Clipper got messed up, the graphics were messed up by Bryce in the motion lab and so I'm going to remake it but make it look ezactly the same.

      So it was existing ship, the Lethe A. Clipper. You tried to make new graphics but Bryce messed it up? But you got it fixed! Hooray! The new look is funky. It looks so much thinner and longer than a normal Clipper. You mentioned toning down it. So you think it was overpowered... what did get removed? Some Lasers?

      I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

    • Umm, actually I didn't fix it, only the first frame wasn't hurt. I'm going to remake it though, maybe change a few things. Well I hope you like it.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by EVWeb:
      **Umm, actually I didn't fix it, only the first frame wasn't hurt. I'm going to remake it though, maybe change a few things. Well I hope you like it.


      Only the first frame was hurt, OK. How will look after you change? It looks like a mini- IDA Frigate with its long neck.

      I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

    • Don't know, I will work on it tonight. 😛 Check out my other site!


    • I made it again! Also I have a non-turning back-up. Plus I have the other clipper versions as well! 😛


    • If anyone's interested, you can find out more about the beginnings (help them out) of the LCA (Lethe/Cydonia Alliance) in E2: Dark Horizons (it's part of a "smaller" storyline starting by helping out the Merchant's Guild). You can also help out the LCA in E3:Endgame (part of the Weave storyline). Both plugins introduce new ships for the LCA: the Pulsar-class destroyer (both plugs), and the Hustler-class light cruiser (E3:Endgame). Both ships are way cool!!
      Love your new site, EVWeb! Great look!

      ~Ace 😄

      "There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild

    • Quote

      Originally posted by CaptAceHarddrive:
      **If anyone's interested, you can find out more about the beginnings (help them out) of the LCA (Lethe/Cydonia Alliance) in E2: Dark Horizons (it's part of a "smaller" storyline starting by helping out the Merchant's Guild). You can also help out the LCA in E3:Endgame (part of the Weave storyline). Both plugins introduce new ships for the LCA: the Pulsar-class destroyer (both plugs), and the Hustler-class light cruiser (E3:Endgame). Both ships are way cool!!
      Love your new site, EVWeb! Great look!

      ~Ace 😄

      So I can get a Lethe/Cydonia storyline in E2 and E3? Awesmoely cool! But you need to be more specific for those that haven played Empire plugs before. How do you start the Merchant's Guild storyline and how do you get the smaller storyline? Is it integral to the Weawe storyline so I can just follow it to get it? Light cruiser... isnnt it as powerful as mot cruisers then? Heavy cruiser? Yes, I like the new look too. Blue Fed uniform look.

      I am eager to try to ansver mission questions