I tried search to answer my question but I couldn't come up with anything very helpful. It's my first time through the game and I'm on a rebel mission in which I am supposed to destroy an alien ship and it's fighter escorts. How am I supposed to destroy this thing? If I didn't run an eventually jump to another system right away, the fighters destroy me. Should I buy a bunch of escorts to do it for me? Should I switch ships? I am using a stupid clipper and have about 1.85 million credits, Another two or three hundred thousands credits and I can get a Corvette. Also, I don't want to use the forklift. I don't even know what it is, but based on what I have read it is in some way a cheat. If I wanted to cheat to save time I would have downloaded one of the money cheats rather then spending so much time playing the game. So can anyone give me some help?