Originally posted by Trugati:
**Trugati hates The Simpsons and tries to turn the TV off She accidentally hits a button and the channel changes to "The Powerpuff Girls." Disgusted, Trugati yanks the TV's plug out.
FHS DANGIT, FHS! As there is no TV plug, all continues good and well and nothing is turned off. Nonetheless, pp does feel a little depressed that UR didn't like the Zim halloween special. :frown: Oh well, some things can't be changed. pp laughs as "Angry Dad" develops another bump on his neck... heehee... gotta love the simpsons. Anyways, afterwards pp helps himself to too much free beer (Remember, everyones attention is focused on the FHS) and gets immensely drunk. He goes on to ask why, even though the bar is real real big and has all this stuff, only a couple HIC* visit regularly...
"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.