Someone's listening to my personal problems? sniff aww you guys... 
Yeah, it was my own stupid fault for trying to cross a two-lane road during school hours at a blind corner. The car was only two months old (birthday present from my dear parents, who I still can't believe that they're letting me live with them, let alone keep the car :p)
On an unrelated note, I see good ol' D. Arthur reached the 15-karma mark... yay DA!
What's this? clicks on EVula's website You're KIDDING ME!!! Plugsł is still up??? OMG....somebody shoot me, quick...
ah well. sips a Dr. Pepper/Sierra Mist combo
ahh, life is good...
Well except for the fact that my girlfriend just emailed me to tell me her phone bill is $300 and I'm not allowed to call her for a week. Correct me if I'm wrong but incoming calls are free unless they're collect right? shrugs Whatever. My cell phone has free nights and weekends so I'll just find someone else to call... dials random numbers in the phone book
boy it feels good to rant among friends again 
oh for whoever's wondering, I'm not 51. so ph33r me.
Microsoft Signature XP Special Edition with Internet Explorer 6 (with several patches)