Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • After a quick Reincarnation, Jimbob takes a Window's formatted zip disk full of windows drivers and shoves it into Luke's main computer. 😛

      "It's as big as a man!"-
      Penny Arcade

    • Everybody who isn't dead cracks up laughing at the mega viruses and errors that occur in Luke's mechanical body.

      You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
      -Ultimate Rebel

    • DeadBeat hires Megatron to go and finish off Lukes robot.

      If I lived in paradise I'd take a vacation to hell to cure my depression.
      (url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

    • Luke once again finds that the only way to go is Buddhism.

      Write your complaints here: O
      Please don't write out of the space.
      (url="http://"")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

    • Unreal reincarnates and starts trying to blink

      -Unreal Centipede
      "...EV Nova..."
      "...EV Overide..."
      "...Escape Velocity..."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Luke:
      **Luke once again finds that the only way to go is Buddhism.


      UR starts taunting Luke with many expensive earthly things to see how devoted Luke is, but UR only needed to taunt him with the keys to his upgraded cruiser for Luke to chase UR for the keychain.

      Hey Luke, do you know why I can't get onto the ezboards? I can't seem to connect.

      You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
      -Ultimate Rebel

    • Luke comes back from his first ride in his new cruiser and mutters "flies like a dream..." Then he makes some tunafish sandwiches.


      Originally posted by Ultimate Rebel:
      Hey Luke, do you know why I can't get onto the ezboards? I can't seem to connect.

      For the same reason I got my ezboard for free: they suck. 😉 And they're very unpredictable, so it might start working again for you at some random point in the future for no apparent reason...

      Write your complaints here: O
      Please don't write out of the space.
      (url="http://"")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

    • (quote)Originally posted by Luke:
      **Luke comes back from his first ride in his new cruiser and mutters "flies like a dream..." Then he makes some tunafish sandwiches.

      For the same reason I got my ezboard for free: they suck. 😉
      Heh, I guess I'll just keep trying. Although every couple times it sends me to some other website, or just fails to load.

      You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
      -Ultimate Rebel

    • Jimbob, who utterly hates Tuna, decides to make a Sushi Sandwich. He thinks about marketing it until Microsoft comes and buys him out. He turns around and buys another Sushi Sandwich from the bar.

      "It's as big as a man!"-
      Penny Arcade

    • Luke looks at Jimbob and his sushi thoughtfully. He then makes a quiet phone call. Several hours later, an installation crew has arrived with the Boozarama's new sushi bar.

      Write your complaints here: O
      Please don't write out of the space.
      (url="http://"")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

    • Unreal Walks up to the bar and trips over it. "Damn bar!" Unreal procedes to kick the liveing **** out of it

      -Unreal Centipede
      (url="http://"")Join my anti-confederation fourm(/url)

    • Luke throws Unreal in the acid pit and turns the bar back over, muttering.

      Write your complaints here: O
      Please don't write out of the space.
      (url="http://"")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

    • HAHAHAHAHAH, Luke, big mistake!

      RC eats the sushi bar. "OOOHHHHOOOOHHHHHHHHHYeah." :RC strugles to unzip his pants:

      The sushi bar is no more!

      "... it's just that I don't like doing work, so..."

    • UR and the other members of the bar cover their eyes as RC proceeds to unzip his pants. 😛
      Still hungry UR eats some more sandwiches and drinks another whiskey.

      You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
      -Ultimate Rebel

    • Luke force-feeds RC several grenades and casually presses the "regenerate" button; the sushi bar reappears.

      Write your complaints here: O
      Please don't write out of the space.
      (url="http://"")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

    • UR forgets the remainder of his tuna sandwiches and walks towards the sishi bar, stepping over the smears on the ground that was once RC.
      "Mmmm. This sushi is good" UR then realizes that sushi is raw fish, and starts grilling some beef instead.

      You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
      -Ultimate Rebel

    • DeadBeat offers to buy some of UR's grilled beef for 1,000,000 credits.

      If I lived in paradise I'd take a vacation to hell to cure my depression.
      (url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

    • Rawzer builds a barbeque joint across the street, complete with laser-proof gungan shield. Rawzer then closes the restaurant, and pigs out. Er, pigs in... um... bah.

      Social correctness has traditionally had nothing whatever to do with reason, logic, or physics. In fact, in England it is generally considered socially incorrect to know stuff or think about things. It's worth bearing this in mind when visiting.
      -Douglas Adams, Salmon of Doubt

    • Curse you Luke. The smear cluster slowly moves toward the exit...

      "... it's just that I don't like doing work, so..."

    • Stardust enters and steps on the blobs. "EEw! Get it off Get it off!!"

      Hamster Dance---
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