<totally off topic introduction>
Guess... Who's.... Back.... (back, back, back, back...) Lyra's Back (back, back, back, back...) ! Back Again! ('gain, 'gain, 'gain, 'gain...) ! This'll freak out Mac! (mac, mac, mac, mac...) ! (/B) <---- Thats to make sure i killed the bold. 
A lot of ppl know, judging by the views list on the (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum6/HTML/002422.html")original topic(/url), but in a moment of Beeblebroxian-egotistical fury, I had to put something here, too. Plus I liked the idea of an eminem spoof. 
The reincarted Lyra strolls into the bar. A hush settles over te crowds as they realize... Sporks are not better than spoons. No one seems to care about the jaunty apperance of an old barfly, and any motivational speeches, recent life events, bb stories etc. being spoken by said barfly are entirely ignored as the bar denizens set out on their new quest for philosophical inquiry. This, too, is quickly forgotten, and everyone goes right back to what they were doing. Needless to say, Lyra's a little ticked.
Well, that is to say, she would be a little ticked, if she existed. Which she doesn't (is that grammatically correct?). Lyra, after being killed by shade's kitty kat some 5 bars back, is now reincarnated as... what else... a squirrel. Not a very large squirrel but not neccesarily a small one either. About 3' 5". Just call him (me... grr luke this 3rd person stuff is killin' me...) Squirrel. Or just ignore this post. whichever you prefer. Squirrel, on the mean time, orders a package of nuts from the 'tender robot.
What happened to everyones fav. punching bag, Insano? Do I get his position? 
</totally off topic introduction>
"A kind word will get you far, but when accompnied by a tommy, it'll get you a lot farther." -Al Capone
(This message has been edited by EvilSquirrel (edited 07-25-2002).)