Originally posted by G@rett:
**My favorite one for early money making is getting a Courier, sell the turret and buy 1 Missile rack, +5 Missiles. Head on down to Lethe Prime and disable yourself some Rapiers or Lightinings. the Raipers will take 5 missiles and the Lightinings 3 if you time it right.
You'll have around a 40-50% chance of capturing the raiper and 75% to get the Lightining. Go sell it and buy yourself another Courier and equip it the same...do that a few times till Lethe is really ticked at ya and then make the next capture (I prefer the raiper) your own ship and leave farily rich in about an hour or less.
I note one flaw in your plan. Make sure to get speed upgrades before this, so you can dogde the Missiles and Torps! 4 Missiles and especially Torps are going to fry you alive! I know what im talking about; a not much weaker ship, Shuttle can stand 3 Missiles from Patrol Ship only with Armaplast and even then it drops to damaged armor. A single Torp is enough to disable a Argosy! So sorry, unless you get Durasteel or speed upgrades your plan is useless.
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions