Originally posted by ElGuapo7:
**Yes, I admit I probably exaggerated a bit, but this was years before Nova and it's railguns came into existence. The NPPK Titans were firing gun projectiles farther than anyone had a right to be firing, considering my EV experience. It wasn't really the long range that bothered me - it was the fact that one of them hit me and took off about 30-40% of my shields. (Corvette, upgraded.) I nearly had to pause the game to change my shorts.
Zax: yes, you could certainly fire torpedoes...but the NPPK Titans were/are Confed Cruiser class or better. You'd better have a fair number of torpedoes in that hold of yours just to take out one. And there were a few others out there that weren't standing still, either...
:eek:! So you mean they were firing farther than anything you could imagine under classic EV when you still hadnt played EV so much? And I tell ya, Railguns can be a pain too. I tried to do one of those missions you have to fight the Aurorans in my Scarab. I got fired endless railgun bolts... and when I tried to dodge the first wawe of them my shields dropped 30%. I should have fired my Torps faster, now I know a Scarab is not a ship you dodge in. But if you had to almost pause just to change clothes, I can imagine it to be REALLY bad. They were Confed Cruisers too, so Torps wouldnt work well. There was even several of them! :eek: But what do you mean by better? There is no better, unless they had Alien Cruisers too.
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions