Originally posted by General Cade Smart:
**Oh. You havent played EV for a long time then. Is there a reason why? Oho! E1 has expansion of the Artemis string?:D! T.A.G.- Youre it, it had such a strange name I still remember it. Does it mean anything? Youre sure of that? The wink makes me want to tease. 
TAG: The Artemis Group. Punny, punny, punny.
E1 wasn't an expansion - it was basically renaming everything in it. Apologies if I misspoke.
Anyway, I greatly enjoyed the Medium Freighter in it...though it's interesting. Upgraded, it has very high armor and mediocre shield ratings...I find myself using Voinian tactics with this ship...
(I know, Voinians are the other board, but hey...)
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