How do you work the sattilite of love? I hacked into EV and found it and do not know how to use it.
Don't bother, it's just a picture that appears in the shipyard section, and could lead to you trading in your Confederate Cruiser for a brand new shuttlecraft.
And by hacked you meant you opened the graphics file in Resedit, right?
(url="http://"")Solar Knowledge(/url)|(url="http://"")Solar Quiz(/url)|(url="http://"")Solar Forum(/url)|(url="http://"")Fribbles!(/url)|(url="http://"")Blorktronics Software Inc.(/url)|
It never occurred to me before this momemnt but... Satellite of Love? SOL? Sh-t Outta Luck? It seems unlikely that that's nothing more than a coincidence. For figuring this out, I think I deserve a cookie.
'You know, if every major appliance in my home had a "bacon" button I'd be the happiest guy alive.'
(url="http://"")Squibix Web(/url) -
Originally posted by Danny:
**I think I deserve a cookie.
**By the way Zax, isn't it stored in one of the data files? I don't believe the SOL has a graphic!
I was disorientedly changing my body orientation in a clockwise direction while simulateously expressing my appreciation of mikee's humor and watching my posterior disconnect -- ElG7 -
Originally posted by Blackdog:
**By the way Zax, isn't it stored in one of the data files? I don't believe the SOL has a graphic!
Not that kind of cookie silly, the real biscuit cookies you can eat!
And yes, it does have its own graphic. I saw it once. It looked like a really big Shuttle with brown color.
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions -
This is the Satellite of Love.It is from (url="http://";=ISO-8859-1&q;=mst3k")Mystery Science Theater 3000(/url) formerly of Comedy Central, now on (url="http://"")SciFi(/url). There are NUMEROUS references to MST3K in EV. I always smile and (url="http://"")hum(/url) the tune whenever I enter the Manos and Torgo systems!
Take a look at STR 20002 in the EV app.
(url="http://"") -
Originally posted by IonStorm:
This is the Satellite of Love.
**Ah, right, I remember now.
Originally posted by IonStorm:
It is from Mystery Science Theater 3000 formerly of Comedy Central, now on SciFi.**
That it is.
Originally posted by IonStorm:
There are NUMEROUS references to MST3K in EV.**
Originally posted by IonStorm:
Take a look at STR 20002 in the EV app.
**Everyone knows about that, you newbie!!
looks again at IonStorm's registration date dang, where have you been?
I was disorientedly changing my body orientation in a clockwise direction while simulateously expressing my appreciation of mikee's humor and watching my posterior disconnect -- ElG7(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 04-03-2003).)
Originally posted by Blackdog:
**Everyone knows about that, you newbie!!
**If everyone knew about Matt's poem, then everyone should know about the fictional SOL and it's origin. However, if that was the case we would not be having this discussion.
Originally posted by Blackdog:
*looks again at IonStorm's registration date dang, where have you been?**
Mostly lurking around. I am pretty busy with job, family, etc. but I try to pop over to answer Galactic Scourge questions and offer the occasional footnote (e.g. this thread). Also, I spent a year working on a (url="http://"")Myth II plugin(/url) which is partially completed (most of those parts can be downloaded played).
I have also had the chance to render a (now vaporware) space ship: (url="http://"")ABE(/url). Practicing rendering for EV to advanced your career.------------------
(url="http://"") -
So THAT's what MST3K means...I never knew that...
"Quote it, paraphrase it, soak it in peanut oil and set it on fire. I don't mind in the least." - forge
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