Originally posted by Paranoid:
Desert Tempest:
I recommend that you say that no new wormholes can be created in this galaxy and place 2-3 existing ones you may have come through (after all no one knows that all universes have the same laws of physics), also your higher level tech gives you a major advantage which you might want to decrease.
As long as his high tech level is compensated for with something like lowered production or smaller starting fleet it should be fine.
Originally posted by Paranoid:
I may not be a moderator but I recommend you post all your weapon ranges and speeds.
I'm sure Grundy will get around to it, but just in case he forgot... yeah, you should do so.
Originally posted by Paranoid:
Your Avian scoutship has a ramscoop. Do you have any access to human technology?
I wasn't aware ramscoops were exclusively human tech. If you think they are you're silly. Ramscoops are incredibly simple technology and I see no reason why another alien race could have developed them.
Originally posted by Paranoid:
Xeon Cruiser has no shields or armor? No problem but you might want to post this. Also ships created by pschic powers wouldn't have much armor at all would they? Dark Jet also seems to be a cruiser class and not a fighter by the armor ratio (2 times heavier then a Kestrel in Protection and you can generate 5 with a thought!), I recommend you remove the bay.
Hmm, I'll let Esponer make the final decsision, but here are my thoughts. As to the armor, they wouldn't have it in the traditional sense, but by armor I would think he means an inner layer of psi power, that when destroyed, kills the pilot. I think your point deals more with it being "armor" in the sense of it being more damaged by mass type weapons than energy. I'm not sure what kind of stuff would be damaging to psi "armor" or "shields." Something to take into consideration. I'de like to hear everyone's thoughts about it first.
Originally posted by Paranoid:
This is just an unofficial know-it-all's opinion. I recommend that a real moderator looks over all the posted information.
Don't worry about it, I've been in that position more than I have this one... sometimes mods need unofficial know-it-alls to point out what they have missed.
Out ride the sons of Terra, Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen, Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth
"Saddam Hussein foregoes weapons of mass destruction (and) values human life." George W. Bush