Uhh... can you say "messy", Xenocide? I'm lost. If you don't mind awfully, could you set it in a way easier to digest? Here... let me have a go (if I understand what you've just written.)
Hive Mind
Plasma Gun
Shield Damage: 1
Armour Damage: 2
Reload: 1.2 (EV measures weapon reloads in terms of frames, 30 frames to a second - 1.2 reload is 25 shots a second)
Mass: 2 tons
Range: ??
At the moment, it appears reasonable. Comparison with other technologies will be necessary before it's passed. Also please bear in mind as a general note that I retain the right to revoke anything after passing it if it appears too powerful in the story. No worries: this looks reasonable.
Plasma Cannon
Shield Damage: 2
Armour Damage: 5
Reload: 1.5
Mass: 5 tons
Range: ??
Since I suppose the damage of the Plasma Cannon is supposed to be directly proportional to the Plasma Gun, you might want to modify the Plasma Gun to deal 2.5 armour damage, rather than 2.
I'm just looking at the per/sec damages here. The Plasma Gun deals 25 shield damage per second, and the Plasma Cannon 40 shield damage. Considering it's over twice the size, this seems a bit unfair for you. My suggestion is to have the Plasma Cannon deal 3 shield damage and 7.5 armour damage. This comes out at 60 shield damage per second, which more closely matches the Plasma Gun.
Plasma Turret
Shield Damage: 30
Armour Damage: 80
Reload: 10
Mass: 30 tons
Range: ??
Since it's the same technology as the Plasma Gun, I once again suggest shield and armour damages remain in the same ratio, hence 30 shield damage to 75 armour damage.
Shield Damage: ??
Armour Damage: ??
Reload: ??
Mass: ??
Range: Melee
Okay, this is the first bit I have something of a problem with. I'm sorry, but at the level of technology we have (plasma weaponry, proton weaponry, et cetera), it's unlikely that a melee attack is going to be very effective. Plus, your description of it seems somewhat... unreasonable. If you're set on it, actually get something like AIM and we can discuss this better.
Dësc: Kills crewmember and he has new larva implanted in to him. Eating their way out when time is ripe. When dreadnought is on ship, the ship is stolen and brought to the high council.
I don't think so. If you have the capability to penetrate an enemy's shields and armour so easily, all your other weapons would be Godly, and I'd have to revoke them. I don't see how you could get into the ship, and for your information, it's rather difficult to eat a hole through military grade armour.
Shield Damage: 0
Hull: 300
Reload: 30
Mass: ??
Range: ??
I can't compare without knowing its mass. It looks extremely powerful, and I'll likely moderate it down somewhat in terms of damage. Also, can you think of anything to add to just "Acid"?
Avian Beam
Shield Damage: 1.3
Armour Damage: 0.67
Reload: 2
Mass: ??
Range: ??
(Don't mind how I restated the Reload there: all beam weapons are measured in terms of the damage they do every 2 frames, for some odd reason.)
Not powerful enough. What I'd suggest depends on its mass, but bear in mind that the Particle Beam in EV was almost 10 times as powerful against shields.
Sonic Missile
Shield Damage: 10
Armour Damage: 75
Reload: ?? (that's reload of the launcher)
Mass: 0.2 tons
Range: ??
You might want to boost the shield damage to up around 30 or 40.
Hive Mind
Shields: 0
Armour: 10 (sorry to restate it into the standard: you can keep using exoskeleton, it's just to make it clear)
Regeneration: 15 per second
Speed: 500
Armanent: 1 Plasma Gun, Claws, "4/5 of missiles miss"
Okay, unless you have a horrific number of Cimaxes, the armour is pathetic. As for armanent... looks a bit weak. Add another Plasma Gun or two. As for "4/5ths of missiles miss", which I've just come back and realised was Misc data and not armanent (d'uh) ... you can't really say that. Just leave it with your Speed. Y'see, some missiles are more likely to hit than others.
Regeneration: I'll get back to you on that.
Shields: 0
Armour: 20
Regeneration: 10 per second
Speed: 450
Armanent: 2 Plasma Guns, Claws, Infector
Misc: Immune to sensors.
Okay, hold on. This "immune to sensors" thing. Where'd you get the technology for that? Do you already have it? If so, write up a description for it, explain how it works and make sure it has some sort of evident disadvantage. I'm not allowing you to have one ship which for some inexplicable reason can't be detected by sensors.
As mentioned above, Infector is revoked from there, and Claws, don't know yet. Add 1-2 more Plasma Guns. Regeneration: I'll get back to you on that.
What class of ship is the Somnus? Heavy fighter? (Compare to normal ships, please.)
Shields: 0
Armour: 45
Regeneration: 20 per second
Speed: 400
Armanent: 3 Plasma Guns, Claws, Infector, Acid
What class of ship is this comparable to? Some sort of gunship? Infector is out, Claws might be yet, Acid is fine, and it might be a bit underarmed. 1-2 more Plasma Guns might be a good idea.
Rex Dreadnought
Shields: 30
Armour: 750
Regeneration: 22 per second
Speed: 150
Armanent: 10 Plasma Cannons, 15 Plasma Turrets, Mayhem Claws, Infector, Acid
First note; there's little use having cannons on a slow ship. Take out the cannons, add maybe 5 more Plasma Turrets. Infector is revoked and the claws may be, we'll see. As for the Acid, I'd appreciate it if you specified the Acid as an outfit (at the moment, it's like saying a ship is armed with "Plasma" or "Bullet") and then gave the Rex a number of it. I'd suggest something like "Acid Glands" ... in which case, you can give so many to one ship and so many to another.
Shields: 20 Gravis, 10 Fodina
Armour: 40
Regeneration: Shields at 5 per second, Armour at 15 per second
Speed: 650
Armanent: 2 Plasma Cannons, 1 Avian Beam, 1 Sonic Missile Launcher (10 Sonic Missiles), 250 Sonic Bombs
Misc: Impossible to hit easily with any missiles because of it's speed.
Once again: cut out the bit about saying it's impossible to hit with missiles. Some missiles might hit it. Other might not. It all depends on the missile, so you really can't say that.
You're going to need to write up a description of the Sonic Bomb. I get the feeling 250 is too many.
######usio Warbird
Shields: 30
Armour: 150
Regeneration: Shields at 10 per second, Armour at 20 per second
Speed: 400
Armanent: 5 Plasma Cannons, 2 Sonic Missile Launchers (50 Sonic Missiles), 2 Avian Beams, 1 Flightling Bay (4 Flightlings)
No problems with that.
(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 01-03-2003).)