OOC To unreal centipede:
I was heading towards there to pick up his scientists!
To desert tempest:
Encrypted: Winter tempest
I will arive there alone, on an escape pod with no wepons and I hope you do the same.
THX- facilities: 2 million per post Compeation: 2 posts
Money input to wormhole tech: 1 million
Reserch: 3 posts
Completion:5 posts
En route toTHX-1138
2 Bulk freighters
5 Light freighters
5 Argosys
2 Luxury Liners
30 lightnings (escorts)
5 Bulk freighters
5 Rapiers
5 Light freighters
Arrival time: Arived
Total Income: 4 million
Minable in: now
Mining Income 1 million
Done in 2 posts
Shipyard/ outfitter in NGC-2468:
Shipyard Income: 1 million
Factory Income: 1 million
Bank: 8.16 million
Gov: Guild of independent traders
Are we sad because it rains or does it rain because we are sad?